Chapter 26

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Marshall Lee and Cake found that the burnt trail had led to the woods.

Considering some of the trees had burned down recently, they were headed in the right direction.

The trail ended at a cave which Cake and Marshall went in. There were already lit torches, meaning they came to the right place.

When they got to the center of the cave, they saw two things: a lava pit and a blonde girl tied up in a cage above it.

"Fionna!" Marshall said worriedly. He floated towards the cage to save her while Cake kept watch for Phoebus.

Something didn't seem right, the cat thought.

"Marshall! Go back. It's a trap!" Fionna wanted to cry through the gag, but couldn't.

Marshall was about to open the cage Fionna was in but there was suddenly a firewall between them.

"You didn't think you could save her so easily, did you vampire?" The wall said morphing into Phoebus's face.

Phoebus then turned big and blasted Marshall with his flames.

Marshall grew into his monstrous form and charged at Phoebus.

The fire elemental had Marshall pinned down until Cake took out a water gun and sprayed Phoebus in the back.

"Oww," Phoebus said angrily. "You'll pay for that meddling feline!"

He shot a fireball but Cake blasted it with her soaker.

"Oww!" Phoebus cried in pain.

"I'll have you out soon Fionna," Marshall said.

"Thermos. Infernocus. Now!" Phoebus said weakly.

Marshall was suddenly ambushed by two fire beings and another one had captured Cake.

"Nooo!"Fionna screamed through the gag.

Phoebus looked up triumphantly at his prisoners.

He knew the vampire was going to try to play the hero and save Fionna.

Everything went according to his plan.

"Now it's time to eliminate the last of my competition," Phoebus said with an devious grin. "But first vampire, you're going to suffer. You're going to suffer watching me make Fionna mine permanently and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Let her go Hothead!" Marshall cried from his cage. It must've been vampire proof because he couldn't break out of it.

"Of I'll let her go all right vampire. Into the lava!" He cried gesturing at the lava pit Fionna was suspended over.

"You see Marshall and his cat sidekick, I'm going to turn Fionna into a fire elemental like me. Thermos and Infernicus will lower her down into the mystic lava pit, and Fionna will be reborn as a fire being!"

"You're insane!" Marshall yelled. "You can't turn someone into a flame person by dipping them in lava. You'll kill her idiot!"

"Don't call me an idiot!" Phoebus howled at Marshall. "You're the idiot for thinking you would be the hero and end up with the girl. Grow up Marshall. You're an immature scoundrel. Fionna deserves a real man like me!"

Fionna looked at Marshall Lee and Cake with fear and desperation.

But looking at the sadness and hopelessness in Marshall's eyes, she knew all hope was lost.

She wanted Marshall to wait for her, but even now being reunited, they still couldn't be together.

Phoebus had to see that his plan for her was crazy. What if the lava pit wasn't magic? She would be killed.

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