Chapter 13

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Fionna woke up in her bedroom not remembering how she got there. She got up from bed, but when she tried the doorknob, it was locked.

Then Fionna started to feel scared.

"Gumball!" She cried out. She then heard feet running down the hall and then the door unlocking.

"Yes Fionna love? I dashed into action as soon as I heard you scream," the Prince said.

“Gumball, what’s going on?” Fionna asked confused.

“What do you mean Fionna?” Gumball asked.

“I mean what am I doing here?” she asked.

"So you don't remember the ball?" He asked hiding a grin.

"Whenever I try to remember the ball or anything before that, I feel afraid for some reason," Fionna said.

"Well you have a reason to be," Gumball said.

She looked at the pink prince confused. “What do you mean by that?"

"Fionna, the ball was attacked last night," he said glumly.

"Attacked?" Fionna asked with fear. "By who?"

"A vampire and his ferrocious shape-shifting feline," he explained.
"The vampire wanted your blood and the cat wanted the castle's treasure. I heroically fought them away."

"You did? Why can't I remember?" She asked.

"The banana guards locked the beast in the dungeon.But before I could stake the vampire, he knocked you out. That's why you can't remember last night," the Prince explained.

"Oh Gumball, You're my hero!" Fionna exclaimed hugging him. "You were right. Anything outside the castle is dangerous and should be feared."

Then she thought of something. "Gumball, I remember something from last night."

"You do?" He asked panicked.

"I remember that you proposed to me. And I said yes!" She said kissing him.
Fionna had a very strange dream that night. It started with her and Gumball sealing their marriage with a kiss. At the reception, the bride and groom were waltzing.

For some reason, Fionna felt that she was just going through the motions. Then a familiar tune played.

"Good little girl,

Always picking a fight with me,

You know that I'm bad.

Yet you're spending the night with me.

What do you want, from my world?

You're a good little girl."

Then she walked away from Gumball and somehow started singing the next verse by heart.

"Bad little boy,

If that what you're acting like,

But I really don't buy,

That you're that kind of guy,

And if you are,

Why do you want to hang out with me?"

Suddenly everything turned red and black except for a spotlight on her.

"Don't you know I'm a villain?

Every night I'm out killing.

Sending everyone inside,

Running like children.

Girl I know why you're mad at me.

I got demon eyes looking right into you're anatomy.

Into your deepest fears,

Baby I'm not from here.

I'm from the Nightosphere.

To me you're clear, transparent.

I know you have a thing for me girl.

It's apparent."

Fionna saw that it was a vampire singing. Like a siren in the sea, luring her to her doom.

Good Glob! She thought.

Then she woke up in her room in the castle.

Just a dream, she thought. Just a dream
Fionna sat in her bed thinking about the dream from last night.

Who was that vampire? She thought.

He was pretty cute.
His dark hair, not to mention those red eyes…

No! She  thought.

Fionna wanted to forget about the vampire in my dream, instead focusing on the man she loved. The man she'll soon marry.

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