Chapter 24

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Marshall Lee froze at what he saw. Prince Gumball was alive? How was this even possible?

Marshall himself had watched the Prince's death. But here he was alive and well.

This was bad, he thought. With Gumball back, he was still going to hunt for him and Fionna.

Marshall was about to float away, when a small red hand tugged on his pants.

"Mr. Abadeer, I believe we need to talk," Peppermint Maid said.

"I'm assuming you left the note and was surprised to see him again right?" Peppermint Maid asked him in her  private quarters.

"How did you-"

"You're the only one besides Fionna who was close enough to the Prince to contact me about him. I know she didn't send it. Besides, the Prince never had any other real friends, besides me," she said looking down.

"Pep, are you-"Marshall started.

"Right you need some answers," she said snapping out of it. "You see Marshall Lee, Prince Gumball was always worried what would happen to the Candy Kingdom when he died. So to keep the Candy people happy, he would have a clone of himself ready to replace him when he died. Which is the one you saw just now."

"Tell me Pep Maid, does this 'clone' remember Fionna?" Marshall asked warrily.

"No. I made sure of that. He was so obsessed with her that it brought out the worst in him," she said. "There's going to be a ball soon to find him a new wife."

"That's all I needed to know," Marshall said flying away.

"Marshall Lee!" He heard someone call to him as he flew home.

"Cake? I haven't seen you in two months. How's Fionna?" He asked hesitantly.

"Bad Marshall! Very bad! And it's all my fault!" Cake said crying. "I should've been there!"

"What happened Cake?" Marshall asked trying not to panic.

"Well me and Fionna have been living as roommates since Fionna ran away from you and Gumball. It was Fionna's turn to get groceries this week. But that was four hours ago Marshall!" Cake cried.

Marshall floated deep in thought.

Who could've taken her?

Gumbutt? No Peppermint Maid wiped his memory. There was only one other person it could be.

"Cake, I know who has her," Marshall finally said.

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