Chapter 11

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When Cake reached the Candy Kingdom ballroom, there were guards at the gate who let her in with an invisible Marshall.

Gumball's castle was dressed beautifully for the ball. There were floral arrangements and a long table with a large cake and other appetizers.

"We need to find Fionna," Cake said.

"I see her," Marshall said pointing to the balcony. He was about to approach her, but suddenly Prince Gumball was behind her.

"Attention everyone," Gumball said. "I have an announcement."

Damn it, Marshall thought. I'll just have to wait until he's shut up.

"Fionna," Gumball said nervously, "After five years, I can't deny my feelings for you any longer." The way the prince pulled Fionna close to him made Marshall's blood boil.

"Which is why I want to say before everyone here..." he said looking around.

Marshall was about to interrupt them when suddenly, Prince Gumball kissed Fionna passionately on the lips. Then he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring with a large pink diamond.

What happened next made the whole room gasp.

"Fionna Mertens...will you...will you marry me?"

Fionna's eyes widened and she went silent for a long time.

"Fionna," Gumball said interrupting her thoughts. "Everyone's waiting."

"Yes," she finally said with a smile. "Of course I'll marry you Prince Gumball."

"Oh joy!" Gumball shouted. Everyone below us cheered. "Enjoy the rest of the party everyone."

Marshall floated above them as Gumball walked past him.

Well, that's that, he thought. He was tempted to at least say hello and apologize, but realized Fionna already chose Gumball so there was no point.

So he floated outside and away from the Candy kingdom.

There was nothing left for him in Aaa, so he went to the nearest market to get bugs milk.

He went in the forest and drew a smiley face on a tree. Then he poured the bug milk on the face and recited the spell he knew by heart.

"Goodbye Fionna," Marshall said before a portal opened before him.

He stepped through it and was back in the place he avoided for so long. He floated toward a castle into one of the windows.

"Mom," Marshall said, "I'm home."

"I always knew you'd come back," she said with an evil grin of satisfaction.
Fionna walked through the party talking to random Candy people and Aaa's royalty until she saw Cake.

"Cake you're here!" Fionna shouted. The two friends hugged until she remembered something. "Where's Marshall?"

"You haven't seen him?" Cake asked surprised.

"Why are you guys here?" she asked.

"Marshall was going to tell you how he felt about you and ask you to come back to us," Cake explained.

"How he felt about me," Fionna said confused. Then she got it. "Oh my glob, he was going to tell me he loves me, but he saw me say yes to Gumball's proposal!"

"Do you love him Fionna?" Cake asked.

Fionna wasn't sure if Cake meant Gumball or Marshall by that question. Who did she love?

She had known Gumball her whole life. She had only known Marshall for three weeks. Marshall had yelled at her, but at the same time so had Gumball.

While she was with Marshall, there was danger around every corner. Gumball made sure she was always safe. But by doing this, Gumball had deprived her of a life outside of his kingdom that Marshall Lee provided her.

Marshall Lee saved her from those vampires and that bounty hunter. Marshall Lee introduced her to Cake. Marshall Lee.

She had her answer.

"After everything he's done," Fionna said, "I'll always love Gumball. But my heart says that I belong with Marshall Lee."

"I knew you loved him!" Cake shouted.

"We need to find him, he might still be somewhere in the castle," Fionna said.

As Fionna and Cake left to find Marshall Lee, the two friends hadn't realized that there was a hidden ear listening to their conversation.

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