Chapter 4

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Fionna woke up in bed and thought she was back in the Candy Kingdom.

Was it all a dream? She thought.

Then she looked around her and saw Marshall Lee sleeping on the other side of the bed.

Then she remembered everything that happened yesterday and realized she wasn't dreaming. She really had gone out of the Candy Kingdom.

Fionna got out of bed and tried not to wake Marshall Lee. She saw that there were posters on the wall and laundry in the corner. What really caught her attention was the axe in the corner.

This made Fionna panic and she went downstairs quietly.


Marshall Lee woke up and saw that Fionna wasn't there.

Where did she go? He thought.

When he floated downstairs, he smelled something good in the kitchen. Then he saw the source of the smell was Fionna cooking something by the stove.

"What are you doing Fi?" he asked confused.

"I made you strawberry scones," she said quickly. " To thank you for saving me yesterday."

"Thanks," he said. "I didn't know you could bake."

"Prince Gumball taught me how," she said nervously. Marshall was irritated hearing that pink prince's name again.

Ignoring the slight pang of remembering the prince, he sucked the sweet strawberry from the scone.

Fionna watched this surprised as she ate her own scones in silence.

"I'll clean this up while you freshen up," Marshall Lee said taking their plates.

"Thanks," she said going upstairs.

Fionna took some clothes out of her satchel and went to take a shower.

From sitting through boring diplomatic dinners with Prince Gumball, Fionna knew there were seven main kingdoms in the Land of Aaa.

There was the Candy Kingdom, Wild Berry Kingdom, Slime Kingdom, Goblin Kingdom, Fire Kingdom, Ice Kingdom, and Breakfast Kingdom. Even though Gumball sometimes went to these other kingdoms on diplomatic missions, Fionna was not permitted to go with the alternative of studying her lessons in the castle.

Now that she was traveling with Marshall, she would finally get to see them firsthand without boring royal junk getting in the way.

After drying off, she put her long blonde hair in a ponytail and put on a light blue dress and her shoes from yesterday.

"Ready to go explore Aaa?" Marshall asked grinning.

"Sure," she said.

Then he grabbed his umbrella and they left. But little did Marshall know that Fionna had a knife on her.

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