Chapter 9

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Fionna sat crying on a log when it suddenly caught on fire. She looked up and saw it was Phoebus.

"What's the matter Fionna, trouble in paradise?" Phoebus said sarcastically.

"Leave me alone!" Fionna shouted.

"Face it Fionna," Phoebus said. "You have no choice. Prince Gumball wants you back and I want to be paid. You can't go back to them after what I heard, so this is your only option."

Realizing he was right, Fionna surrendered.

"You should've just stayed in the Candy Kingdom like a good little girl."


Phoebus walked into Gumball's lab with his bounty to the delight of the prince. Then he took Fionna to her bedroom and locked her in there.

"Good work Phoebus," Gumball said giving Phoebus a big sac of gold coins. "Here's your payment as promised."

"Yeah about that," Phoebus said with an evil grin. "I don't want your money. I want something even better!"

"What's that?" Gumball said confused.

"I want Fionna," Phoebus said.

"What!" the Prince shouted angrily.

"I can see why you want her, Pinky. She's hot. I'm the one who found her, so I'm the one who should have her. After all, you said the ladies love men of power," Phoebus said laughing.

"YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY FIONNA FOR YOURSELF!" Gumball yelled blasting Phoebus with a fire extinguisher.


When Phoebus woke up, he saw that he was in a large glass tank with his hands tied with tin foil. Phoebus looked down and saw the tank starting to fill with water. Then he got scared.

"What going on!" he shouted. "How did I get in here?"

"You had it coming for trying to steal my future queen," Gumball said with an evil grin on his face.

"Why are you doing this?" Phoebus demanded.

"I don't like being double crossed Phoebus. This is what I do to people who double cross me," Gumball said nonchalantly. "Once this tank fills with water, you're flame will go out good."

"You won't get away with this!" Phoebus yelled.

"I always get what I want!" Gumball said laughing. Then he walked away as the tank started to halfway fill with water.

"Help me somebody!" Phoebus yelled. "Let me out of here!"


Fionna sat on her bed staring at the ceiling of the room she'd always slept in.

She felt isolated and alone. But then she remembered something and took off her hat.

Inside was a picture. It was the picture her, Marshall, and Cake took back when they were still buds.

That was in the past, she thought.

It was time to look forward to her future, with Gumball.
Cake the Cat watched as the vampire punched holes in her wall.

"Could you please stop destroying my house?" she said noticing the holes he left.

"Shut up cat," Marshall said ignoring her. "I can do whatever I want. Besides, I'll be out of your hairball soon. Now that Fionna's gone there's no reason for me to stick around here."

"You miss her don't you?" Cake asked the vampire.

"I couldn't care less about her," Marshall said looking down. "She probably went back to Gumball by now. She made her choice."

"If you don't care about Fionna, then why did you save her from those vampires and that horrible bounty hunter?" Cake asked.

"I used to kill vampires to protect humans. But humans went extinct and now I just kill them for fun. That is until she came along..." he said.

"Look Marshall," Cake said. "You've made it clear that you don't like me. But I know you still like Fionna, even if you don't want to admit it."

Marshall looked at Cake angrily then turned his back on her for a long time.

"Even if I do," Marshall finally admitted. "How do you know she misses me?"

"Because when you love someone, they're always on your mind," Cake said,

Marshall thought about this for a long time. He had already experienced so much pain and lost so many loved ones in the last one thousand years.

But he knew one thing for certain. He wasn't going to lose another one.

So the vampire and the magical cat left at nightfall on a quest to get their friend back.

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