Chapter 16

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Damn you LSP! Damn you! Prince Gumball wanted to scream at dinner that night but didn't.

That fool should be getting ready to rule his own kingdom instead of playing at being a real reporter and humiliating me like that, he thought.

Gumball would never admit it, but Fionna was right about the wedding getting unnecessary exposure by the press. How could he possibly fix this?

"M'lord you've barely touched your dinner. It's your favorite," Peppermint Maid said pointing at his plate. "Are you still upset about that interview earlier?"

"Shut up Peppermint Maid! There will be no talk of that interrogation of my character in this castle!" The Prince boomed.

Peppermint Maid quickly scurried away. Gumball calmed down when he heard Fionna squeal.

"Look, I'm not feeling my best. I'll be in my lab," Gumball said leaving the table.

You're always in your lab, Fionna thought.

Later that night, Fionna sat on her bed deep in thought about the day's events.

She knew that reporter coming to cover the wedding would end in disaster, and she was right.

Even she had to admit that some of LSP's questions were out of line. But there were still some she wanted answered.

Who was Marshall Lee? Why had Gumball got so upset during the interview when he was mentioned?

She wanted to ask about Marshall Lee at dinner but backed off after Gumball's reaction.

Then there was the wedding. Why would Prince Gumball not want to go on a honeymoon?

She couldn't remember the last time she had alone time with the Prince. Just the two of them.

There was always the castle staff, Banana guards, and Candy people around them twenty-four-seven.

If it wasn't because of them, it was because of Prince Gumball himself.

He was either constantly kept away from Fionna due to his royal duties or hidden away in his lab at all hours of the night doing experiments. Did he ever go to sleep in his actual bedroom?

Fionna decided that she would confront the Prince about it the next time she saw him.
Marshall Lee decided to contact Cake to find out what was going on with Fionna.

Why had she forgot him?

Marshall knew that his mother would be distracted by torturing demons all day to notice him sneaking off.

He said the spell to open a portal to Aaa and went through. Then he flew to Cake's barn and knocked on the door.

"You won't find her in there," a voice said behind him. Marshall turned and saw Phoebus.

"What do you know about Cake hothead?" Marshall asked angrily.

"Not much, except that I saw her being dragged away to Gumball's dungeon," Phoebus explained.

"When did this happen?" Marshall demanded.

"It was after I brought Fionna to the ball a while back," he said. "I realized how hot she was and I wanted her for myself."

Marshall hissed angrily at this part.

"Let's just say Pinky didn't like that," Phoebus continued. "He t-trapped me in a tank of rising water. I would've died if Fio hadn't freed me. Just as I left, I saw her getting shot with a dart by Pinky and she fell unconscious."

"You coward!" Marshall cried. "You left her alone with him?"

"My powers were weakened at the time so I had no choice but to flee!" Phoebus shouted back. "But as I left, I saw a cat being dragged away by the Banana guards. She was shouting Fionna's name."

So that's why Fi didn't know who I was on LSP's show! He thought.

"Thanks for the info Phoebus," Marshall said flying away.

Now he had to rescue both of his friends.

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