Chapter 14

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Since the night of the ball, the wedding of Prince Gumball and Fionna Mertens was the talk of the Candy Kingdom. When would it be?Who would be invited? Had Prince Gumball finally found love again?

While the Prince had been quiet about the details, his fiancee was the opposite.

She was giddy with joy about the wedding. She had all sorts of ideas she wanted to share with the the Prince and wedding planners.

"Peppermint Maid," Fionna said calling her over. "I made sketches of my dress for the wedding."

Fionna showed her a sketchbook of potential wedding dresses.

"I don't know which one the royal tailor will make, but this one is my favorite," she said pointing to the last sketch she drew.

It was a mid-length, blue wedding dress that wasn't too puffy like the ones she wore at Gumball's previous balls. The skirt was long in the back and short in the front.

Peppermint Maid let out a cruel chuckle and put the book down.

"Miss Fionna", she said. "Your wedding dress is already being made by the royal tailor. Let me show you."

To her disappointment, it was a traditional white wedding dress that had a puffy skirt that she hated.

"A dress fit for our future queen," the tailor said proudly.

"What's troubling you Princess Fionna?" Peppermint Maid asked noticing Fionna's frown.

Fionna was thrown aback by the title of Princess. The staff around the castle usually called her Miss Fionna or Lady Mertens.

"It's just that I always imagined designing my own wedding dress. And blue is my favorite color," she explained. "Can't the bridesmaids's dresses at least be blue?"

"No," Peppermint Maid said. "They're going to be pink to match the Candy Kingdom's crest of pink, white, and gold."

"Oh, okay," Fionna said sadly.

Another thought suddenly occurred to her. Who were her bridesmaids and maid of honor going to be in this wedding? She didn't really have any close female friends or family.

She nearly teared up at the word family. After all these years, she still hadn't found them. Were they dead or still alive somewhere beyond the Candy Kingdom? Who would walk her down the aisle if not her father?

"Princess Fionna, are you crying?" Peppermint Maid asked.

"No," she said quickly wiping her tears. Soon enough she would have a new family.

"Good, now let me show you the bridesmaids's dresses..." the tailor said.

"Your majesties, a reporter is coming to do a story on the royal wedding," Pepermint Maid said.

"The paparazzi already want a scoop?" Prince Gumball said sitting on his throne. "I'm not surprised. It's only going to be the biggest event of the year. Bigger than any of our previous balls."

"Does it have to be though?" Fionna said on another throne custom-made for a queen.

"What do you mean?" Gumball asked confused.

"Why can't we just have a small ceremony in the Candy Kingdom gardens? It doesn't have to be a large public spectacle. This day is just about us right?" Fionna hesitantly explained.

"OF COURSE IT DOES!" Gumball boomed. Fionna shuddered. Even Peppermint Maid flinched a little.

"I-I'm sorry," Fionna said with fear in her voice. Then she saw Gumball's face morph into a monster again, but only briefly. "I just think a reporter would attract unnecessary attention to the wedding."

"It doesn't matter what you think! You'll just be a figurehead soon enough!" Gumball yelled.

"What!" Fionna said surprised.

"Nothing," he muttered. "I'll be in the lab. Call me when the reporter comes."

Fionna waited until after Gumball left to speak. "Pep Maid, What did Gumball mean when he said I'll be a figurehead?"

"Prince Gumball may have worded that wrong," she said. "What he meant was that when you become queen, you'll have a more passive role in running the castle."

"Passive?" Fionna asked confused. It seemed like she had been passive for the past five years. She wanted a more active role to helping people. It was one of the reasons she looked forward to the wedding.

"You won't be involved in the complicated politics of royals," she explained. "You'll be more of a symbol of the Candy Kingdom."

"The complicated politics of royals," Fionna repeated. "I've learned about the law before in my studies. From what I've heard at royal dinners Gumball sometimes throws, royal politics isn't that complicated."

Peppermint Maid wasn't sure how to respond. So instead she said, "The reporter will arrive at five o'clock sharp. Make sure to wear the dress the Prince picked out for you."

Fionna took the hint and went to her bedroom. Fionna saw that it was another pink dress along with pink heels and a princess crown.

After what just happened in the thrown room, she was beginning to hate the color pink.
"I'm Lumpy Space Prince with Aaa News, broadcasting live from the Candy Kingdom," The reporter said.

Oh glob, Gumball thought. He didn't know the reporter would be LSP. He was known around Aaa to be a total gossip.

"So Fionna, show us that ring girl," LSP said. A close up showed the ring Gumball gave her the night of the ball.

"So Fionna, have you and Gumball done tier 15 yet or are you waiting for the honeymoon?" He asked.

Fionna and Gumball gasped at this.

"Absolutelty not!" Gumball said angrily.

"What's tier 15?" Fionna said at the same time.

"Ooh, we got ourselves a virgin bride," LSP said raising his eyebrows.

"As for a honeymoon, we won't be having one," Gumball said.

"We aren't?" Fionna asked surprised.

"There won't be any time for anything trivial like that," Gumball said coldly.

"No honeymoon? So when are you two going to-" LSP said.

"Moving on," Gumball said. "I suppose you want to know about the wedding?"

"Sure," LSP said with an evil grin. "Let me just say that no one in Aaa saw your proposal coming. According to my sources, your first love was a vampire named Marshall Lee-"

"That was in the past," Gumball said quickly. "I love Fionna now and she loves me. Right love?"

"Who's Marshall Lee?" Fionna asked. For some reason, the name sounded familiar.

"Marshall Lee Abadeer, after his previous relations" LSP said looking at Gumball,"was a badass vampire hunter and soon to be ruler of the Nightosphere."

"That's it!" Gumball said with a face red with rage. "This interview is over! Banana guards! Escort this sorry excuse of a reporter out of my castle and out of my kingdom!"

Fionna was shocked about what she just heard. Who was her fiance's previous lover?

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