Chapter 25

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"How could you leave me Fi?" Marshall said angrily.

"Marshall I'm sorry," Fionna said with tears in her eyes. "I had to get away."

"I could've come with you Fi," he said. "I loved you."

"I loved you too Marshall," she said. "But everything got so complicated. I had to get out of there."

"You broke my heart Fi," he said.

"Stop it!" Fionna cried.

"I hate you. I don't know why I gave my heart away to a mortal," he said.

Fionna shot up awake in a cold sweat.

I left all that behind, she thought to herself. But she had been having that same dream lately.

Two months had past since she had run away from the Candy Kingdom with Cake.

She felt bad about leaving Marshall, but felt she had no choice back then.
Hopefully Marshall Lee had waited for her like she asked in the note she left him.

Fionna found herself bound and gagged in a cage.

Then three hooded figures approached her. She tried to break free from the ropes, but they were too tight. Luckily, she was able to get ungagged.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Fionna shouted. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"

"Silence," one of the goons said.

"I see your awake now my little firefly," a familiar voice said.

"Phoebus," she said surprised.

Then she remembered what happened.

"Fionna, it's your turn to run errands," Cake said coming into her room.

"Sure Cake," she said getting dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans.

"Do you want me to join you?" Cake asked.

"No. I won't be gone long," she said going out the door.

Fionna walked to Market Kingdom to get two weeks worth of groceries.

Fionna was paying for her food when suddenly people started running around her.

"Fire! There's a fire!" One panicked person said.

She turned and saw a booth on fire.

In the panicked crowd, another person bumped into her and knocked her down.

The last thing she heard before passing out was,"Finally. You're mine!"

"Phoebus!" Fionna shouted excitedly. "Thank glob! Save me from these goons who tied me up!"

"Fionna," Phoebus said slowly, "ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID!"

"What," she said surprised.

"The 'goons' work for me," he said with an evil grin. "I hired them to help me get rid of your boyfriend."

"Get rid of my boyfriend? Are you talking about Prince Gumball?" She said confused.

"Prince Gumball? I already took care of him the night you ran away,"  Phoebus said laughing evily. Fionna gasped at this. "I meant the vampire. It's only a matter of time until he comes to save you."

"You won't get away with this," she said angrily. "My friends will stop you and your goons!"

"We've already planned for that," he said. "My associates will ambush the vampire and cat once they get here. Then you'll finally be mine!"

"No leave my friends alone!" I said as the goons gagged me again.

Marshall and Cake followed the burnt trail from the Market Kingdom to find Fionna.

"Why are we following a burnt trail vampire?" Cake asked confused.

"Because the person who kidnapped Fionna and caused all this damage back there was a fire elemental," Marshall Lee explained. "You remember Phoebus, that bounty hunter Fionna and I were hiding from in your barn?"

"Yes," Cake said scratching her head.

"Well he killed Prince Gumball to 'get rid of the competition.' He probably kidnapped Fionna to lure me into a trap. I mean if Phoebus didn't want me to find him, he would've covered his tracks more," Marshall said.

"So Phoebus knows we're coming?" Cake said worried.

"Yes, but two can play it that game," Marshall said. "Here's the plan..."

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