Chapter 23

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Peppermint Maid stared at the storm outside nervously.

Where was Prince Gumball? He said he left on some personal business but that was hours ago.

If he didn't come back soon, the Candy people would get scared of his absence. She remembered the last conversation they had before he left...

"Where are you going my lord?" She had asked him.

"I need to find Fionna before it gets out that she ran off," the Prince said putting on black clothing.

"I don't think this is a good idea. It looks like there's going to be a storm tonight," she said worried. "Can't you just let Fionna go and find a new wife? I'm sure you have plenty of suitors. I could even arrange a ball if you like."

"NO!" Prince Gumball thundered. "Fionna is the only one for me. NO one is going to stop me from getting her back! No one!"

"Do you at least take the Banana guards with you?" She asked.

"They'll draw too much attention," he muttered grabbing wooden stakes. "If I'm not back by morning, you know what to do."

Then she watched him leave without another word...

Peppermint Maid was about to call the Banana guards when something flashed by and then disappeared.

Then she saw a note at her feet and read it.

We regret to inform you that your ruler, Prince Gumball, has perished tonight. We are sorry for your loss and hope you will remember him well.

Peppermint Maid teared up a little and threw the note into the fireplace. What had the Prince been thinking?

He hadn't been thinking, Peppermint Maid realized.

He let his obsession with the girl cloud his logical thinking and look where that got him.

But then she remembered what the Prince had told her if he hadn't come back and ran out the throne room.

Two months had passed and Marshall Lee wondered how the Candy Kingdom was doing without Prince Gumball.

There hadn't been anything in the news about it, so he decide to investigate. He turned invisible and flew into town.

He expected to see the Candy people sad, but was surprised to see them happy and carefree as usual.

Didn't they know what happened to their leader? Marshall thought.

What was going on?

When Marshall Lee had left Peppermint Maid the note about what happened to Gumball, he figured she would at least have a memorial service for him.

But as he looked around, that didn't seem to be the case. Who was even ruling the kingdom now?

Marshall flew into the castle and saw that someone was coming out of Gumball's old lab.

It was Peppermint Maid. And right behind her was Prince Gumball!

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