Chapter 2

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Fionna packed a satchel with food and  supplies, but put on a royal dress not to warrant suspicion of her planned,  unauthorized field trip outside the Candy Kingdom today.

"Where are you going Fionna?" Peppermint Maid asked her noticing the satchel suspiciously.

"I'm just going to Butterscotch Lake," Fionna said.

"Don't go too far," she said returning to her work.

"Have I ever?" Fionna said sarcastically.

Little did Peppermint Maid know, Fionna, thought, I had a hidden agenda.


Fionna stopped by the Candy Market and walked up to a girl in a booth. The girl had a peach complexion that almost matched Fionna's and a white dress similar to the one she was wearing.

They went behind a changing room and switched clothes.

"Thanks for doing this, Toffee Girl," Fionna said hiding her hair in a white bunny hat.

"No problem Fionna," Toffee girl said. "You've always been a loyal customer over the years. It's time to return the favor."

"Now from what I can tell," Fionna said," those carriages for Gumball's ball will be passing through by 3 o'clock. Gumball will probably wonder where I am eventually, but I told Peppermint Maid I went to Butterscotch Lake. I need you to go there and pretend to be me long enough for me to escape."

"They're here," Toffee girl said looking at her watch," Good luck Fionna."

There were five carts. Fionna couldn't jump in the first two or last two carts because that would draw attention. So I took a leap of faith and jumped in the third one.

So long Candy Kingdom, she thought. Until we meet again.
When the carts finally stopped, Fionna snuck out of the third cart before she was caught.

Fionna crawled on the other side of the carts and then ran until she reached a forest.

Unlike the Candy Kingdom forest, the vegetation was actually green and she saw deer, rabbits, and other animals. A duck came near her and Fionna said hi.

"Hello," the duck said back.

Fionna was surprised by this and ran away.

What the stuff? She thought. Animals don't talk!

When Fionna stopped running, she saw that she was in a dark, foggy place that made her uneasy.

Why am I even risking this? She thought with trepidation.

Fionna walked around the dark place until she saw someone floating above her. She saw it was a vampire with red hair and an evil grin on his face.

"Hello," she said hesitantly.

"Hey babe," the vampire said. "It's nice to eat you."

"What was that last part?' Fionna asked.

"You smell so good," The vampire said smelling her scent. This made Fionna more uneasy. She turned to leave but the vampire stopped her.

"Why are you leaving so soon, babe?" The vampire said showing his fangs. Now Fionna was scared. "I was hoping you could meet my friends and stay for a bite."

"Your f-friends," Fionna said nervously. She tried to run when five more vampires appeared in front of her.

The vampires were cornering Fionna and she had nothing to fight them off with. Suddenly a flash of red went by and the vampires turned to dust. Fionna saw that it was a demon boy holding a stake.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked. He had raven black hair, red converses, and a red checkered shirt.

"Um, yeah," she said. "I'm Fionna."

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" the boy said. "It's not exactly the best place for a human."

"I was just wandering," Fionna said.
"It's my first time out in Aaa and I guess I don't really know the land yet".

"First time huh?" he asked. "Where are you from?"

"I don't really remember where I was born or who my parents are, but for the past five years I've been living with Prince Gumball in the Candy Kingdom," she explained.

"Prince Gumball," the boy said suddenly frowning.

"You know him?" Fionna asked.

"I thought I did?" he mumbled.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing," he said. Suddenly he saw another vampire about to sneak up on Fionna, so he tackled it and staked it. "Let's get you somewhere safe."

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