Chapter 22

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"Hello Pinky. Remember me?" Prince Gumball turned around to see it was Phoebus.

"What do you want? I'm a little busy at the moment," he said motioning at Marshall.

"Eliminating the competition," Phoebus said throwing a fire ball but Gumball ducked it.

"What are you talking about you flaming fool?" Gumball asked confused.

"You tried to kill me because of Fionna Gumball. I feel like I should return the favor," he said trapping Gumball in a ring of fire. The circle started shrinking and the flames were getting closer to the Prince.

Prince Gumball tried to put on a brave face, but on the inside he was afraid. He couldn't think of a way out of this. Then he looked over at Marshall Lee.

"Marshall please help me! Fly me out of this circle before I suffocate or get roasted alive!" He pleaded in desperation.

"I would Gumball but I don't think you're worth my time," Marshall said floating away.

"FIONNA!" Gumball cried out one last time before his body was consumed completely by the flames.

"Well that takes care of one problem," Phoebus said. Then he turned to Marshall Lee with an evil grin. "Now it's time to get rid of my last one."

"It'll be harder for you to kill me than Gumball you know," Marshall said with his back still turned.

"I'll accept that challenge," Phoebus said growing big. "With you out of the way, no one will get between me and Fi-"

He was interrupted by a clap of thunder in the distance.

"I'll be back for you another day," Phoebus said leaving to avoid the rain.
Marshall knew that he would have to worry about Phoebus in the future.

He was about to go inside when something stopped him.

Even though Prince Gumball had been a selfish person, Marshall still somewhat had sympathy for him.

Might as well bury the body, He thought.

But before he could a bolt of lightning struck Gumball's body and it was gone.

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