Chapter 18

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Marshall Lee flew towards the Candy Kingdom to rescue Cake from the dungeon and possibly Fionna. He went to rescue Cake first because he didn't know where Gumwad was keeping Fionna.

Marshall turned invisible to avoid standing out in a kingdom full of colorful and sweet Candy people. As he flew through town, he stopped when he saw himself on a wanted poster.

Wanted: Mashall Lee the Vampire King
Reward: $10,000
If found please inform your royal Prince or Banana guards for backup.

Upon closer inspection, he realized it was from an older picture he had taken with Prince Gumball back when they were still together. Only Gumball must have cropped himself out of it or something.

That wad! Marshall thought. He took a precious photo from their past together to use for a poster that was a public warrant for his head!

There was no denying now that Gumball had become a selfish tyrrant who only looked after himself. He no longer cared for Marshall Lee and probably not Fionna either.

He flew through the castle and saw Banana guards and various staff going by and tried to avoid them. With no sign of Prince Gumball either, he roamed around until he found the Candy Dungeons beneath the castle.

He saw Banana guards blocking the doors of various prisoners until he found the one he was looking for.

Cake the Cat was unconscious in a cell with no bars or keyhole but a pink forcefield.

How would he free her? Then he got an idea.

"Boo!" He said appearing before the Banana guards before the cell.

"Ahh!" They cried.

"Tell me how to open this cell!" Marshall demanded morphing his face into a monster so they wouldn't recognize him.

"Prince Gumball made it," one of the guards explained. "He g-gave us this remote to shut off the forcefield to feed her."

Marshall knocked out the guards and took the remote to free Cake. He picked the Cat up bridal style while the other Banana guards charged at him.

"Wake up cat!" He yelled. "We need to he out of here and save Fionna!"

Cake woke up and screamed when she saw Marshall. Then she saw what was going on around her and grew big.

"Go find Fionna so we can get the math out of here!" Cake shouted clawing at the guards.

After Marshall flew from the room, Cake saw one of the clawed guards run out the room to get the Prince. She tried to stop him but was distracted by the onslaught of more guards.
Fionna shuddered in her room as she heard various punches and screams below her.

Prince Gumball always told her this castle was the safest place for her. Right now that didn't seem like the case.

After seeing Gumball run towards the chaos, Fionna was worried about her fiance's safety.

Maybe I should check on him, she thought about to leave her room. Fionna's head suddenly hurted and she felt so anxious, that she shut the door.

He can take care of himself, she thought remembering how he fought the night of the ball.

She looked at the Gumball Google's on her nightstand and put them on. With the goggles on, she tried to take her mind away from it all.

Then She heard a distant voice say Fi.
She ignored it until there was a flash of light and the goggles were taken off her.

She saw that it was a vampire floating above her holding the goggles.

"Fi, we've come back for you," he said.

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