Chapter 5

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The first kingdom Marshall Lee took her to was the Ice Kingdom. Fionna was initially nervous because Gumball always told her that the Ice Kingdom's ruler was an insane witch who froze people for fun and kidnapped princes. So most were warned to stay away from there.

Marshall picked up Fionna bridal style while she held the umbrella and flew to the top window of the castle. It was cold, but not as cold as it was outside.

"Simone," Marshall called out. "It's me, and I brought someone I want you to meet. "

"Marshall Lee?" a voice called out. Then a woman with blue skin, white hair, a long dress like Fionna's, and a gold crown came out. "Who's this Marshall? Is she your GF?"

"No Simone," he said blushing. "This is Fionna. I'm showing her around Aaa and I thought she should meet you first."

"So you're still single?" she said disappointed. "Darn! I owe you five bucks Gunter! I really thought you finally moved on from that awful Ashley girl and-"

"Why don't you show Fionna around the castle Simone?" Marshall said interrupting her.

"This is my drum set, the past room, living room, and this is-" She was interrupted by a giant beast that appeared before them. It was long and when it saw Fionna, it shot laser beams from it's eyes!

"Aaah!" Fionna screamed.

"Down Icecepede," Simone said floating up and petting him. "These are guests, not pests. I use him to guard this room."

Fionna was shocked at what she saw. It was a room full of ice-themed ninja weapons.

"You collect weapons!" She shouted surprised. Prince Gumball always told her that it is improper for women to fight or carry weapons, let alone a royal woman!

"See one you like?" Simone asked. "You can take one for the road."

"Thank's dude," Fionna said giddily. Then she remembered her manners and said," Thanks your highness but no."

"Your highness!" Ice Queen started laughing and shot ice up at the ceiling. One blast went haywire and hit something in another room.

Fionna went to see what it was and saw a room full of ice cages and pictures of all the princes in the land and one familiar prince she knew.

"Prince Gumball!" she said surprised.

"Uh-oh," Marshall muttered. "I was hoping you wouldn't see this room Fionna. This is where Simone used to kidnap princes like your Prince Gumball."

"P-prince Gumball!" Ice Queen shrieked behind them. Then she floated over to Fionna. "You know him?"

"Yes," she said hesitantly. "I live with him."

"You tramp!" Ice Queen said furious. "Trying to steal my Gumball!"

She tried to shoot an ice blast at Fionna who dodged it. Marshall suddenly tackled her and Fionna ran from the room.

"Snap out of it Simone!" Marshall said. Then he started singing to her. "This magic keeps me alive, but its making me crazy. I need to save you, but who's going to save me. Please forgive me for whatever I do..."

"...When I don't remember you," Ice Queen finished. "I'm sorry Marshall. I lapsed again!"

Then she floated past me crying to her bedroom.

What just happened? Fionna thought frightened.

"I'm sorry you had to see her like that Fionna. I really thought she was doing better," Marshall said glumly as they floated away from the Ice Kingdom.

"What do you mean by better?" Fionna asked.

"Simone or more commonly known as Ice Queen used to kidnap princes throughout the land to be her husbands. It was an obsession with her. But she wasn't always like that," he explained. "She used to be my friend Simone Petrikov who was an archaeologist. One day she found a magical crown that lets the wearer have the power over ice and snow. But the crown was also cursed, robbing the wearer of their sanity."

"That's horrible," Fionna said

"I think what she really needs is a companion rather than a husband. And so, she hasn't kidnapped princes lately since I started hanging out with her," Marshall said. "But she sometimes relapses as you saw earlier. So I sang her that song she wrote about me to remind her of her former self."

"I had no idea Marshall," Fionna said sadly.

After apologizing to Fionna, Simone gave her ninja stars and book of ice ninja tricks to borrow.

Holding one of the stars in her hand, Fionna realized how people weren't always what they seemed. Some of the things Gumball told her about Simone were true, but there was more to her than the ice witch everyone was afraid of.

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