Chapter 7

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"Fionna Mertens," the fire elemental said. "I finally found you."

"Who are you?" Marshall asked putting Fionna behind him.

"I should ask you the same question," he said. "But I'm guessing you're the scoundrel Prince Gumball warned me about."

"Scoundrel!" Marshall said angrily. "Wait, Prince Gumbutt sent you?"

"Precisely," he said. "I am Phoebus. I'm a bounty hunter sent by orders of Prince Gumball to bring Fionna back to the Candy Kingdom."

"Gumball sent a bounty after me!" Fionna shouted.

"That's right!" Phoebus said. "You're coming with me Fionna the human!"

"Yeah right hothead!" Marshall said tackling him.

"Marshall!" Fionna shouted.

"Fionna run!" he said growing big.

Fionna watched the two boys fighting over her as the partygoers around her fled.

She saw Marshall Lee turn into a huge bat creature and tried to crush Phoebus. But Phoebus grew big too and pushed the demon down.

It looked as if Phoebus was about to finish Marshall Lee but then it started raining and Phoebus shrank.

"This isn't over scoundrel!" A weak Phoebus shouted running away. "And I'll be back for you Fionna!"

Fionna turned around and saw Marshall was covered in burns from the fight.

"Marshall, let's get you inside,"she said worried.


Fionna looked around Marshall's cave for a first aid kit, but saw that his wounds started to heal themselves.

"Fionna we need to leave," Marshall said sitting up.

"No you need time to rest," Fionna said worriedly.

"I'll be fine Fi," he said. "Vampires can heal fast. But we need to leave before that hotheaded bounty hunter comes back. How did he even know you were here?"

"I don't-"Fionna started. Then she heard a beeping sound. She walked over to the mirror and saw a small object in her right ear. "This is how."

"Gumbutt bugged you," Marshall said angrily. "That wad! We need to get that out of your ear so he can't track us again."

Fifty minutes later, he was able to remove the small tracking device from the human's ear and crushed it.

Then they grabbed some provisions and headed out. They walked around Aaa until they came to a small barn.

Marshall knocked on the door and a white and gold cat answered the door. She screamed when she saw Marshall's fangs and slammed the door in his face.

"Please we need your help," Marshall said knocking on the door again.

"We?" the cat asked opening the door again. She saw that behind the vampire was a human girl with blond hair and a bunny hat. "Come in."

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