Chapter 21

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Prince Gumball waited expectantly on his throne, confident that Fionna would always be his alone.

But to his disappointment, it wasn't Fionna, but Peppermint Maid with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Fionna told me to give you this," she said putting something in his hand and then running quickly out the room.

When Prince Gumball looked down, he was furious.

It was the ring he gave to Fionna the night of the ball.

Marshall Lee opened his door to see Cake instead of Fionna.

"Why are you here Cat? Do you want to be with me?" Marshall asked confused. "Sorry Kitty. You're not my type."

"That's not why I'm here fool," Cake said annoyed. "Fionna told me to give you this note."

Dear Marshall Lee,

By the time Cake gives you this note, I'll be long gone. I waited so long for my freedom and I thank you for that. But there's so much in life I have yet to see. I don't want to be tied down again or I might as well be back in Gumball's castle. I hope you understand why I can't be with you right now.

I hope you still love me when our paths cross again someday.

Your Good Little Girl

Marshall looked at the note shocked and then reread it again.

He looked up and saw that Cake was gone.

Scaredy Cat, he thought to himself.
Three hours later, Marshall Lee woke up to loud knocking at the door.

Who would be here at this hour? He thought.

Marshall Lee opened the door to see Gumball wearing a black hoodie and holding a wooden stake.

"Where is she?" Gumball only said glaring at him.

"Where's who?" Marshall asked confused.

"FIONNA YOU DUMB DEMON!" Gumball yelled impatient. "I know she's here because she gave me back the ring I gave her!"

"So she shot you down? I knew she would!" Marshall said laughing.

"I've come to take back my fiancee. Give Fionna back to me or I'll kill you," Gumball said poking the stake near the vampires chest.

"Hate to be glum gum, but she's not here. I guess she rejected us both," Marshall said sarcastically to hide his pain.

"NO! Globbit! No!" The Prince cried. "You were my last link to her! She could be anywhere by now!"

"Well thanks for stopping by Gummy but I've got to get back to sleep. You look like you could use it too," he said looking at the bags under the Prince's eyes. Then he shut the door in his face.

"Open this door vampire!" Gumball banged on the door desperately. "This is all your fault! You made her run away by making your rebellious ways rubbing off on her! If this gets out in Aaa it could ruin me!"

"Leave Gumwad! Or at least shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep!" Marshall cried floating downstairs. "Besides you just want her back to save your own ass."

Gumball looked around him and saw a rock. He struggled to pick it up while Marshall Lee chuckled at how weak the Prince was. Gumball finally lifted it and broke the vampire's window.

"What the f*ck Gumwad? This is destruction of property," Marshall said outraged.

Prince Gumball ignored this and threw the stake through the window at Marshall when it was suddenly burned.

"What!" The Prince said surprised.

"Hello Pinky. Remember me?" A voice said behind him.

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