🌹 The Mission 🗸

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THE early morning sunlight filtered through the blinds and crept into the room, chasing away the lingering shadows. The dim glow grew brighter as the sun rose higher. Colors of orange and yellow started in the room and pretty soon, the sky turned blue. Around this time, the light was blinding for the figure trying to sleep in.

The bed in the corner of the room moved, the person in the bed trying to block out the sun. This continued for a few more moments, the movement stopping a few times like they went back to sleep. Finally, it threw the covers off themselves and spread out like a starfish.

    "Oh," She groaned, running a hand through her tangled mess of black curls. "Can't I just sleep in once?! The sun is always shining in my eyes! I swear, Master Jose must make the sunrise at just the right angle to hit me! That's probably it. . ."

   "Or," A gruff voice scoffed from the doorway, making a huff escape the girls' lips. "You're just too dumb to realize that the sun rises in the East. So you should put your bed on the East side."

Her bright red eyes opened and glared at the figure in her doorway, making eye contact with the same red hue as her own.

   "I know where the sun rises, Gajeel." She drawled. "I just don't like it shining in my eyes. . .I'm also too lazy to move this piece of shit I'm laying on."

   "Well, that sounds like a you  problem, Gabbriel," Gajeel rolled his eyes. He fixed his gaze, ducking out of the way of the pillow that was thrown at him. Another scoff escaped his lips. "That was a horrible throw. I hope you realize, I'm not getting that."

   "Noo! Gajeel! Please get the pillow!" Gabbriel begged, her throwing hand flopping back on the bed tiredly.

   "Nope," Gajeel chuckled. His chuckle always amused Gabbey. It was a short Gee-hee that didn't go on for more than a couple seconds.

Gabbriel really did miss Gajeel's real laugh. She was pretty sure he missed her own laugh, as well.

Gajeel quickly sobered up, a serious look on his face. "Hurry up, Master Jose wants us to meet him at the guild hall before noon. Breakfast is on the table."

Gabbriel waved her arm around, showing that he needed to get out, while saying; "Alright, get out. I need to change."

   "Whatever," Gajeel pushed himself off the wall, starting towards their bathroom. "Don't take too long. I'm taking a shower real quick."

   "Yeah, you do do that," Gabbey muttered under her breath, "You stink like a dog."

   "I heard that!"

   "You were supposed to!" She called back, shutting the door before he could retort. She spun around and made her way to the closet. "Now, what should I wear today?"

It was a purely rhetorical question. She would wear the same thing she did everyday. A long sleeved black shirt that ended at her wrists, but the end was covered by her leather gloves. A pretty red and black flowered skirt with black pantyhose underneath. Finally, some heeled ankle boots.

Once her clothes were acceptable, she threw in her earrings - hoops, dangling, and studs - and fastened her silver choker around her neck. It was a pretty design, two silver bands being connected together by stars.

Juvia got it for her birthday last year.

Combing through her wild curls, Gabbey opened her door and walked out of her room, heading for the kitchen. Gajeel was already sitting at the table, eating some cereal. She didn't have to glance at the bowl to know that her brother had added in some chunks of iron.

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