🌹 The Not-So Amazing Race

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 When Gajeel woke up, he was woken up by the smell of bacon. Thinking nothing of it, he turned over to go back to sleep. Just as he was about to be pulled under to sleep, his eyes snapped open and he rushed out of his bedroom. 

Gabbriel cannot cook anything without burning the place down.

Not bothering to put a shirt on or even tame his wild hair, Gajeel swung the door open and started for the kitchen. 

   "Hey, Gabbey, breakfast is almost ready," Said a sweet voice. 

That was not  his twin.

Standing in there kitchen was the familiar short girl named Levy. She had her backed towards Gajeel, and was clearly the one making the food. 

   "I didn't know if you and Gajeel liked pancakes, so I just made-" Levy stopped as she turned around, seeing Gajeel standing there instead of Gabbey. "O-Oh! Gajeel!"

   "You're not Gabbey," Gajeel muttered tiredly, looking around the kitchen and joint living room. "Whattya doing here?"

Another door swung open, and Gabbey herself strutted out of the bathroom, having a towel wrapped around herself. "She showed up to make us breakfast," Gabbey answered nonchalantly. "Said something about a big day,"

   "Y-Yeah," Levy stammered, a light blush on her face as Gajeel caught her staring. "Today's the big race!"

   ". . .Yeah, I don't know what it is either." Gabbey shrugged and walked to her room. "Put a shirt on, Gajeel, you're gonna make Levy burn the bacon."



   "So cool! It's that time of year again! This grand event is here! Fairy tail's traditional All-Wizards Mandatory Participation 24 Hours Road Race! And I, Jason, from the Weekly Sorcerer, will be doing a play-by-play! I'll be giving you the cool scoop on this hot event!"

Gabbriel let out a groan at Jason's voice, leaning her head against Gajeel's leg. She was sitting on the ground as her brother munched on a chunk of metal - giving her a few pieces.

   "Why do we have to be here?" Gabbey complained, just as Gajeel yanked her up to stand. 

   "It's mandatory, Gabbey. It's in the name." Gajeel grunted.  

   "Doesn't mean we have to be here."

  "Yes, yes it does."

   "Damn that Jet. . .He thinks this year's gonna be a walk in the park again." Gray sneered. 

   "Oh yeah?" Natsu grinned. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. Victory is mine!"

   "Nobody who says 'victory is mine' ever actually wins." Gajeel pointed out. 

   "He's right," Gabbey hopped in. "Better knock on some wood or something,"

   "I gots me a super-secret weapon." Natsu annouced. 

   "A secret weapon? You're such a little kid." Gray teased. 

   "Clearly, he can't even speak proper Japanese." Gabbriel commented. The boys didn't even bother to add onto the jab, all of them glaring at each other, huge grins over there faces. 

   "Quiet down everyone!" Makarov said into the microphone, causing a hush to fall over everyone. "All members of Fairy tail! A wizard is one with both strength of mind and body! I wish for you to utilize those powers to the utmost in today's competition!"

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