🌹 The Story of How She Failed

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There will be scenes of torture in here and graphic talk. Proceed at your own cation.  


Pain hit Gabbriel let a train. 

A very long, pain inducing train. 

She didn't need to open her eyes to know that her arms were pinned above her head, but her red eyes did open to see how. Two giant stakes were hammered through her palms and into the damp, cold stone behind her. Her feet, which she realized were now barefoot, barely touched the dirty ground below her. 

   "Gabbey," A voice whimpered in front of her. Raising her eyes wearily, she made eye contact with Akemi, who was in the same position as she was. Gabbey could see her loves' eyes were red from crying as another tear slipped down her face. "Oh, thank Gods. I thought you were dead. You didn't even flinch when they put the nails in. . ."

   "I must have been hit pretty hard," Gabbey grumbled, her temple pounding at the thought of her older injury. She probably hit her head against the caves' walls. Her arm twitched, most likely from the immense pain in her palms, and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. 

Gabbey was the strong one here, she wasn't going to cry over a little bit of pain. 

Her gaze drifted around the small contained room they were in.  Stone walls, stone floors, chains, and a barred metal doors. Absolutely too far for Gabbey to even attempt to reach. Her head slumped back into the wall behind her and she hissed at the pain it brought. 

   "Well, aren't we in a pickle?" Gabbey mused dully.

   "Uncle Jose will send a party out to get us in a few days, we haven't sent a message in almost a week." Akemi tried to be optimistic. "We just have to hold on for a little bit."

   "And if they don't think we're in any trouble?" Gabbey asked. "Or we can't hold on?"

   "Uh. . .Well. . ." Akemi trailed off before perking up. "Wait! Don't you have that bond thingy with Gajeel?"


   "Maybe you can contact him through that!"

   "I doesn't work like that," Gabbey let out a sharp breath. "We can feel what the other is feeling is we push it through the bond, or we can pull and tug it. Not really a great way to communicate." 

   "So, no communication to the outside. . ." Akemi slumped against the wall. "Isn't this just great."

   "We'll be fine," Gabbey tried to reassure. "Jose will find us and we'll be out of here in no time."

   "I wouldn't be so sure of that," Hughie sung to the two prisoners as she waltzed into the small, dank room. Chai was followed behind, with another unknown male as well.  

   "Did you really think we wouldn't search your rooms?" Chai scoffed, showing them the lacrima they had hidden. Their messenger lacrima. 

   "Shit," Gabbey cursed, closing her eyes.

   "Shit, indeed," Chai chuckled, eyes flashing dangerously. "Don't bother using magic, those are magic draining stakes." He chuckled again. "You're supposed to nail them down in an area and that area is magic proof, but this works just as well! Now, to business. Who else is on this mission."

The two girls raised their eyebrows in surprise, but Gabbey was quick to smooth her emotion over. Akemi, not so much. 

   "Who. . .else?" Akemi echoed. 

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