🌹 The Prison Break

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Tons of guards were surrounding the blue lacrima, but this didn't deter the journalist or the two dragon slayers. If anything, it made it more exciting.  Thousands of people were also surrounding the lacrima, all cheering at the taught of having magic again. 

Drums beat to a rythmic beat while disguised people wearing masks followed, staffs in hand. 

Edo-Gajeel slid up next to one of the guards, notepad in hand. "So, it has finally started," He began. 

   "Yes," The guard answered. "With this, the kingdom will finally be secure."

   "This is the south side," Edo-Gajeel hummed. "The east and west sides are perfectly guarded as well, I presume?"

   "Actually, there's no place for any suspicious people to hide on the east or west side, so there's not need to guard it." The guard replied before adding hastily. "Hey! Don't you dare put that in the article!"

   "Of course not!" Edo-Gajeel assured. "I know well the kinds of things I should and shouldn't write. For I am a journalist!" 

While Edo-Gajeel tried to find a point to approach from, Gajeel was keeping watch from up on the tower, and Gabbriel was easily slinking her way through the crowds. 

   "Isn't this exciting?!" A random stranger cheered to her as she passed by. 

   "I'm so enthused,"  Gabbey responded dully, looking to where her brother was suppose to be. He was gone. 

   "Edolas Gajeel must have found a way," She muttered to herself, shoving pass the people around her. The watched as the masked figures raised their staffs and shot beams at the lacrima, the whole thing starting to glow a bright white. 

  Come on, give me a clue! Give me a position on where I'm suppose to be!

Finally,  as the lacrima started to loose its glow, golden sparks flew to the sky. It started out with a 'N' before more words followed, spelling out; North.

   "Got it!" Gabbriel exclaimed, rushing to the north side of the lacrima. She threw her cloak off her in a whirl of cloth and grinned madly as she forced herself to the front of the group. "Metal Make; Rose Vines!"

Taking extra care to not hurt any of the onlookers, Gabbriel had the metal rose vines go in between people and destroy the ground, before finally striking the lacrima. 

   "Get her!" A big swarm of guard started towards her, but Gabbriel giggled to herself. 

   "Come and get me, boys!" She called out, waiting for a guard to get close. Not hesitated, she made her metal knuckles pop and and sock him in the face. The guard fell, but more followed. 

   "Iron Dragon Wing Attack!" Gabbriel jumped, throwing her arms down and watching as her metal swiped everyone out of the way.  "I'm so not going to lie, I miss this!"

   "Gabbriel!" Gajeel called out. "Are you done playing?! Help me with this thing!"

   "Yeah, Yeah," Gabbriel rolled her eyes, throwing her arm forwards. "Iron Dragon Beam!"

A gray beam that was once Gabbriel's arm hit the lacrima and while Gajeel hit the lacrima from the other side, it started to glow again, even more so.

   "Shit!" Gabbey cursed as the light blinded everyone. When it died down, two familiar figures appeared on the ground, slowly rising to get up. "Gajeel! It's Erza and Gray!"

   "I can see that!" Gajeel snapped back, letting out a laugh when a guard tried to take Gabbey down from behind. Gabbey easily swung him over her shoulder though and planted him to the ground with a punch. "But. . .Why only two?"

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