🌹 The Rise Of Exceeds

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   "The Dragon Chain Cannon has connected," Panther Lily smirked at his opponent as the two of them regained their balance. 

   "Shit! We didn't make it!" Gajeel cursed, eyes wide. The island under them started to shake as the chain tried to dig itself deeper into the small island. It wasn't long before the island itself started to fly by. "What the. . .Are we moving?"

   "This is our army's plan," Panther Lily started. "We will ram this lacrima into Exralia and they will annihilate each other."

   "That's nuts." Gajeel muttered. "This is messed up."

   "How?" Happy cried. "How can you do something so horrible?"

Panther Lily didn't reply, simply smiled cruelly at the thought of the plan succeeding. 



The two of them turned towards the sound of their names, seeing the two people they loved the most flying towards them.



Daella gently placed Gabbey down, who quickly ran over to Gajeel and checked up on him. "Are you okay? You look injured! Here, I got some iron for ya, we picked it up on the way here."

   "Gabbey," Gajeel started, taking a quick bite of the iron piece. "The island is about to crash into Extalia. How do we stop it?"

   "I. . .I don't know. . ."

A couple feet away, Daella was talking to Panther Lily. "Lily! Oh, you're covered in dirt and injuries! We need to get-"

   "What are you doing here Daella?!" Lily exclaimed. "You're suppose to be at the castle!"

   "Well I wasn't going to stay there when I knew my best friend was on a suicide mission!!" Daella cried. "Oh, Lily, why are you trying to destroy Extalia?! It's our home!"

   "That place is not our home!" Lily retorted. "That place threw us out, over the life of a child!"

   "And we're going to fix that by taking out our kind?" Daella sniffled. "Lily, that isn't going to fix anything. Please, think this through."

   "I never said it was going to fix anything," Lily growled. 

   "And whoever told you that this will redeem everything they've done wrong, is lying. If anything, Lily, this makes you worse than them."

Gabbriel looked down in surprise, seeing Happy clutching at her foot. "Happy?! Why aren't you with Natsu?!"

   "Gajeel! Gabbriel!!" Happy cried. "Hurry and destroy the lacrima and turn everyone back to normal!"

   "We won't make it," Gajeel grunted. 

   "It's getting faster!" Gabbey exclaimed, hissing curses to herself. She turned to face the direction they were going, watching hopelessly as the lacrima flew closer to the island of Extalia. She let out a startled shriek as a huge beast flew by and rammed into the middle part of the island, trying to push the island away from the Exceeds. 

   "Hang in there, Legy-pyon!" A young girl shouted. 

   "Coco!" Daella gasped in shock. "What are you doing?!"

   "Saving my family!" Coco replied strongly. 

   "It's no use! We're not coming even close to stopping it!" Gray shouted - making Gabbriel realize that all of Team Natsu was on the beast. Everyone but. . .

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