🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt. 2)

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        "Alright, we're going to do things a bit differently today." Gabbey started off, staring at the kids in front of her. "Since Starr found her powers yesterday night - earlier than we expected - we're going to start training you guys one-on-one. . .or in groups. So, Starr, Amber - you're with me today. Everyone else is going to be taught the basic fighting with Gajeel."

    The said male looked at Gabbriel at the corner of his eye, raising a studded brow. Gabbey simply sent him a smile back - telling him to trust her. He sighed before looking towards the kids. "Follow me." He grunted out as he headed towards the back door - six kids in tow. As soon as they were out of sight, Gabbriel turned towards Starr and Amber. 
         "Since I know you won't feel comfortable with just me, I've Starr here stay and help me out." She spoke in a soft voice. Knowing about Amber's past helped her a bit more. Though she didn't know if Amber was physically or mentally abused, Gabbriel would make sure to not raise her voice at her or move to fast. But if they wanted their plan to work. . . 

         "Thanks." Amber mumbled with a small smile, clutching Starr's hand - though her grip did relax a bit. 

         "Do you have anywhere you're comfortable with around here? We'll need a big space." Gabbey added as the three girls headed towards the front door. 
         "There is a meadow pretty close by. . .Just down the street." Starr looked at Amber in surprise. 
         "You want to take her to our place?"
         "Yeah," Amber nodded shyly. "I. . .I trust her."
         "Good, 'cause I do too."

         "Aww!" Gabbriel smiled brightly, bringing her hands up slowly and ruffling the two brunette's hair. "I feel honored."

    The three girls walked towards the meadow Amber mentioned - the tall trees and grass greeting them as they walked out of town. "And you guys come out here all the time?"

         "Yup!" Starr grins. "Almost everyday. It's our little get-away. Besides, Amber loves  nature."
         "Really?" Gabbey mused, raising an eyebrow as she looked over to Amber. 
         "Nature is. . .calming." Amber stuttered. "And beautiful. But I like flowers. I can name all of them - and I compa- S-Sorry."

         "What are you apologizing for?" Gabbey asked. 
         "I-I got carried away with my nature talk."
         "No! Please, keep talking about it. I think it's very interesting. What flower do you compare Starr and yourself too?"

         "W-Well," Amber started as looked ahead, seeing they were in the middle of the meadow - and sat. "I- I think I'm compared to a Peony. It means a lot of things - but bashfulness sticks out the most for me. Starr, I think, is a Alyssum - because she's really playful and always wonder what will happen next."

         "Let me guess." Gabbriel smiled a little bit. "You'd see me as a rose?"

         "Not really," Amber disagreed. "I mean, I've heard about 'Metal Rose' and how you were named that because of your personality and beauty - but that doesn't go that deep."

         "I guess. What do you think I am?"

         ". . .Amaryllis." Amber finally spoke with a nod. "Defiantly a Amaryllis."
         "Hm? How so?"

        "Well, you're really beautiful - "
        "Dally can agree with that." Starr coughed and laughed - but stopped at Amber's glare. "Sorry, continue."

    Amber sighed - but continued. "You're really beautiful and have a lot of determination. You may not see it, but you build. . .connections with everyone around out. Harmony - in a way."

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