🌹 The End

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   "Come on now, don't die on us!"

   "You've got to come back, please, I need you."

   "Idiot! Why did you do that?!"

  "Oh my god, there's. . .so much blood."


Gabbriel didn't bother opening her eyes. They felt too heavy. Her body went like dead weight, but she was laying down. She could tell that much. 

A sharp pain hit her, causing her to let out a pained cry. 

   "Put you hands on the wound!"

   "I. . .I can't. . ."

   "There's too much damage, I can't heal her myself!" 

   "Lets try together!"

The voices died out slowly, blurring into the background like Gabbey wanted to. It was silent for what felt like hours. 



Until, finally, there was a whisper. The smallest of noise, but her enhanced hearing caught it. There it was again! It was like they were-

   "Gabbey." A soft voice echoed in her ears. It comforted her, her body relaxing as soon as the voice hit her ears. It was so familiar, too. 

   "Gabbey," It cooed again. "It's time to wake up. You've got to choose."

   "Five more minutes," Gabbey mumbled tiredly. 

   "Silly, you don't have five more minutes. Wake up, it's time to choose."

An annoyed groan escaped Gabbey's lips before she blinked her eyes open, fluttering them a bit to get use to the bright light. She laid on the ground, not moving, just staring at the sky. Her red eyes traced the tall grass that cornered her vision before she turned slightly, seeing the grass was a light blue. 

Her eyebrows furrowed as she pushed herself up to sit, her eyes falling open at the scenery around her. 

The grass, like she said, was a light blue that seemed to glow near the dirt. A few trees here and there stood, their leaves a brilliant dark blue. The further the tree went, towards the horizon, the whiter the leaves become. 

And the sky. Holy shit the sky. 

The sky, itself, was just a dark grey that faded into a light grey, pretty cool. But the galaxy is what killed it for Gabbriel.

Not a single cloud was in sight, giving her a full view of the stars and the cosmos. Pink and blue were two different colors all across the sky that slowly blended into one single purple color. Every couple second or so, a shooting star flew by. 

It was like she was in the middle of space, in the middle of the galaxy that only painters can portray. Both the sun and moon were in the sky, but neither one blocked each other out. Gabbey didn't think she could even beginning to describe the sight before her, or the feeling in her. 

As if reading her thoughts, the voice spoke up. "You could describe the sight as Elysian. It means beautiful or creative; divinely inspired. It could also be considered peaceful and perfect."

Red clashed with grey and the first woman Gabbriel ever fell in love with smiled. "Hey there, Gabs."

   "Akemi. . ." Gabbriel murmured softly, pushing herself up to stand. "You're. . .Am I dead?"

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