🌹 The Protective Unit

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Gabbriel was the first person to move in the guild. She walked over to the table that was thrown and stood it up right, patting it gently before she started to move towards the entrance of the guild hall. 

   "If you would excuse me, I have a problem to take care of," Gabbey said calmly, as if nothing happened.

   "Just like that?!" Natsu exclaimed. "No explanation, no thanks, just storming off?!"

   "Thank you, for the help," Gabbey stopped walking. "But it was unnecessary. This is my problem, you don't need an explanation."

   "Of course we need an explanation!" Lucy started. "Three people just waltz into the guild hall and threaten to kill you, and take you away!"

   "Gabbey, what's going on?" Levy asked gently.

   "It's none of your guys concern!" Gabbey stated monotonously.

   "What do you mean?! You're family, it is out concern!"

   "Don't take it the wrong way," The noirette snapped suddenly, glaring at the members of Fairy Tail. "But you guys aren't my family! Gajeel is, and so is Juvia, that's it! Just because we're in the same guild, and I talk to you guys, doesn't mean we're family!"

Silence rung throughout the guild hall at Gabbriel's words. Daella flew forward, resting at Gabbey's shoulder and whisper, "Gabbey, calm down."

   "Don't tell me to calm down," Gabbey hissed to Daella. "People can die because of some stupid mission I did long ago!"

   "Then maybe you should tell them, so they can be ready and protected!" 

   "The less they know, the more protected they are!"

   "It doesn't matter if you think we aren't your family!" Natsu roared suddenly, taking steps towards Gabbey to be face-to-face. "You're in Fairy Tail! We treat each other as family, regardless of what others think! Are you going to get that through your thick metal skull or am I going to have to beat it into you?!"

   "I'd like to see you try!" Gabbey snarled, taking a step closer. Their noses were barely touching by now. 

   "Enough!" Makarov spat out from his spot on the bar. Natsu and Gabbriel didn't move, intently staring each other down. Gajeel was close enough to stop the two, but far enough to let Gabbey deal with her own fight. "Gabbriel, Natsu, stand down! "

The two parted, still glaring at each other, but not making any other move. 

   "Now," Makarov let out a sigh, closing his eyes. "Gabbriel, tell us what is going on."


   "Gabbriel!" Makarov raised his voice slightly. "Whether you think this guild as a family or not, you are posing a threat to the guild! You will tell us what you know!"

   "Fine!" Gabbey spat, stomping towards a chair and sitting down aggressively. "Story time with Gabbriel! Sit around you children!"

   "Gabbriel," Daella warned, hopping to the table to sit. "Stop it."

   "Whatever," Gabbey huffed, watching as Gajeel and Juvia sat next to her. Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Levy, Grey and Wendy sat in front of her while the more nosy guild mates circled around. Makarov made his way into the crowd and sat in front of Gabbey as well. "What do you want to know?"

   "Anything that can help," Makarov said gently, seeing the pain behind the irritation. "If you wish to tell us the more personal things, you can, but that's up to you."

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