🌹 The Spa Favor

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Gabbey was seated at the bar, munching away at some ramen that Mira had made for her. There was even bits of zinc metal cubes in the food that the bartender didn't even have to be asked to do. Daella was out on a mission with Gajeel and Lily, a request that didn't really interest Gabbriel herself, but the Exceed wants to explore everywhere on Earthland. Carla had decided to join Daella, after the sandy colored exceed begged her nonstop for an hour. 

It was early in the afternoon, barely even past noon, when Gabbey was attacked from behind. 

   "Gabbey!" Levy cheered, throwing her arms around Gabbey's neck. The said Dragon Slayer choked on her food in surprise as Levy let go and beamed happily at her. 

   "What's your problem?" Gabbey asked rudely - but Levy didn't take it to heart. "You never greet me like that, much less anyone else."

   "I've come to cash in my favor!" Levy declared. 

   ". . .Your favor?"

Levy let out a dramatic sigh, plopping herself into the chair next to Gabbey. "My spa favor! Remember, you said that we would go on an actual spa day and I could invite whoever I wanted!" 

   "Did I really say that?"


Gabbey let out  long groan, putting her face onto the counter top with a thud. "Oh, come one, it won't be that bad!" Levy chided. 

   "Easy for you to say," Gabbey grumbled, raising her head up to face the small blue-haired girl. "Whose coming along?"

   "Hmmm," Levy hummed, looking around the guild hall. "Lucy. . .Wendy. . .Mira. . .Erza. . .Lisanna. . .I think that's it!"

   "Have you even asked them?" Gabbey mused. 

   "Of course I did! You're the last person to know!"

   "So. . .You told everyone else but me, leaving me to be the last one to have no choice but to go. . .You're becoming too much like me."


The train ride to Simply Magic Spa was a long one, a train ride that was full of gossip and mindless chatter. Of course, trying to slowly make her way into the group, Gabbriel joined in on some conversations. 

When they finally arrived, the Fairy Tail group made their way out of the train station and started to head towards the lobby of the spa place they were going to visit. 

Apparently, the spa they were going to wasn't like any other spa before. It was a like a small town, the owner of the place claiming a rather large chunk of land and filling it to the brim with random rooms and pools to enhance the beauty or give someone relaxation. 

   "Hello, ladies! Welcome to Simply Magic Spa! How can I help you today?" A perky blond lady greeted them as the Fairy tail group walked into the lobby. 

   "Hello! We were just checking in, we're the Fairy Tail group," Levy led the group, seeing as she was in charge for the set up. 

   "Ah, yes! The group that books out our largest suite. Well, here's a key to your room, an extra one as well, and if you just follow me this way, we can get you situated!"

The walk to their room wasn't too long, just around two corners and down a hallway before the receptionist stopped in front of a white door with gold designs.

   "Alright, ladies, here is your room for the next couple days. If you need anything, my name is Rachelle. I hope you enjoy your stay here!" 

Rachelle sent them one last smile before walking back to the lobby. Gabbey watched her and just when she was out of ear shot, she spoke. "I don't like her."

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