🌹 The Good of the Guild

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Silence filled the house hold. Not a single word was said as Gabbriel finished her story. She wasn't looking at anyone, her head was buried into Gajeel's shoulder and the older twin had his arm wrapped tightly around her. Wendy was curled up into her side, sitting in Levy's lap and wrapping her arms around Gabbey's torso. Levy, herself, had her head on Gabbey's shoulder and was holding her hand tightly. 

   "Prince Jellal, or Mystogan as you all called him, found me. Nursed me back to health and into a some-what stable mindset. Of course, we had to rebreak all my bones and set them right. But, he kept me company. Prince Jellal guided me back to Phantom Lord, told Master Jose what happened, and left me in Gajeel's care." Gabbey murmured softly before falling silent. 

   "Phantom Lord fell into the Dark Guild category not long after," Gajeel decided to finish it, cupping Gabbriel's head. "Akemi was like a daughter to Master Jose, her father killed himself two days later, which set him off the edge. Phantom Lord fell and eventually, its members fell with it."

   "And now. . ." Lucy trailed off quietly.

   "And now, Serpent is trying to raise Zeref, yet again." Gabbey abruptly stood up. "But they can't, not until they get the stone from me."

   "Where is the stone?" Erza asked. 

   "I told you, I'm the only one that knows where the stone is, and that's how its staying." Gabbey retorted sharply, her arms crossed to hold herself together. 

   "They sent an assassin after you, I'm pretty sure they don't think you're the only one who knows where the stone is." Gray argued. 

   "Then its their fault for having sent an assassin that couldn't even do her own job." Gabbey replied. 

   "Regardless if you are sharing the details of the stones' location," Erza interrupted, stopping a small fight from happening between Gray and Gabbey. "We still need to tell Master what has happened tonight."

   "Lets try to get a little bit more sleep," Levy suggested. "Master won't be up this early anyways, we might as well catch the sleep we missed." 

   "I'm okay with that," Gajeel grunted, going back to his little section of sheets and blankets. He lead Gabbriel with him, having the younger twin closer than ever as they laid back down to get some more sleep. Levy was quick to claim the spot on the other side of Gabbey, and Wendy threw herself on top of Gabbey, apologizing quickly when she landed rather harshly on Gabbey's stomach. 

   "It's fine," Gabbey murmured, moving Wendy to where she was curled up between Levy and herself. Wendy was out like a light, Levy soon to follow, and Gajeel wrapped his arms around the three girls protectively, falling asleep not to long after. 

But Gabbey stayed up for a little bit longer. 

Her mind was still running, not stopping too long on one thought. Happy's voice brought her out of her mind. 

   "Natsu, what's wrong?"

Gabbey smoothed her breathing out, making it seem like she was asleep as she listened in. What, she was curious! Natsu is either happy or wanting-to-fight angry, no in between. 

   ". . .Igneel told me a little bit about mates," Natsu said lowly, but Gabbey didn't have to strain her hearing to hear. "About how they're your other half, how when you find your mate, it's like your whole world revolves around them. . .How, whenever they're gone, nothing is ever the same. . ."

   "Natsu. . ."

   "I may have hated Gabbriel at one point, Happy, but I would have never wished that upon her. Never.

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