🌹 The Dorma Anim

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Gabbriel let out a painful groan as her body collided with the ground harshly and skidded a good meter. Her hand twitched slightly as the sound of Gajeel panting and Wendy heaving. Even Natsu was having a hard time, which slightly concerned her. 

   "You have no change of winning!" The King gloated cruelly. Natsu stumbled up, having little trouble in standing. 

   "Everyone's suffering from lack of magic power, but their king sure has plenty all for himself."

   "It's only natural for a king to tax his people." The King replied smoothly. Gabbey let out a huff of air, pushing herself up to a sitting position. "Droma Anim is constantly absorbing magic power from the entire world, the ultimate magical weapon!" 

   "Until the world runs out of magic power," Gabbriel drawled, now crouching. 

   "That's also the reason it is a forbidden weapon."  He continued. "Once activated, I have a duty to win, for the sake of the world!"

   "For the world?!" Wendy exclaimed in disbelief. 

   "You're just stealin' magic for yourself!" Gajeel accused. "How can you say that with a straight face?!"

   "And I thought humans couldn't get any worse," Gabbey spat. 

   "See, we joined a guild so that we could live. I might not know much 'bout this world. But for the sake of all living things of this world, I will defeat you!" Natsu declared. 

As if encouraged by his speech, Gajeel, Gabbriel and Wendy stumbled up to stand, not willing to admit defeat just yet. 

   "No matter how many times you stand, you will never be able to defeat me!" Edolas' king roared, aiming a dragon cannon at them. "Those with magic power will rule the world! That's something this world requires!"

Purple beams started to shoot at the Earthland wizards, but they easily dodged and weaved around them. "Stop twistin' logic to justify your actions! You dolt!" Gajeel demanded. 

   "I don't know whether it requires it or not, but I do know I'm gonna bust that thing up!" Natsu yelled. 

   "Wendy, on me!" Gabbriel ordered. She puffed her cheeks out and shouted; "Roar of the Iron Dragon!"

   "Roar of the Sky Dragon!" Wendy cast, their spells hitting the dragon-like machine on different sides. But the most it did was scoot it back. The King laughed. 

   "Would you please refrain from wasting all the magic power? Because all your magic power is mine!"

   "Don't even joke about that! My magic power is my own!" Gajeel growled. "It ain't no one else's but mine. . ." He grunted, making a clean jump over Dorma Anim and onto it's back. "Pillar of the Iron Dragon!"

At her twins' attack, the dragon machine suddenly turned into an angry red and released the same color beams. Gabbey watched in shock as one of the beams hit Gajeel in the face and sent him flying. 

   "Gajeel!" Gabbey gasped in worry. 

   "Your magic power, your very lives. . .They're all mine for the taking!" The King cackled. 

   "Like hell they are!" Natsu snarled, lauching at machine with his fist covered in flames.


Daella stared up at the five statues that hovered a blue glowing orb in between them in awe. She's never been down here before. Of course, Lily wouldn't really let her explore the castle when he wasn't by her side. 

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