🌹 The Battle Royale

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    Gabbriel watched with a bored expression as most of the women in Fairy tail competed on stage. Gajeel sat next to her as he watched the show as well, munching on some screws and other metals. Gabbey rose her eyebrows as Juvia appeared on stage and quickly threw on a bathing suit with her water powers.
    Her thoughts were at wild as she was far away from the Fairy tail guild - although her eyes followed people's movements. But she didn't react. Gajeel glanced at her every now and again, feeling how far away his sister was and got worried when sprouts of depressing moods came over him. He defiantly wasn't depressed either. Finally, her thoughts got too much.

     She sighed and stood abruptly. 
        "Alright, I'm going to go walk around town. I saw some cute outfits on our way over here." She told her brother, making her way to the front doors of the guild hall. 
        "Be safe." He grunted in reply, watching the show with just enough boredom as usual.

    The town was busy - more so than it usually is. Of course, with a good reason. Today was the Magnolia Harvest Festival. Apparently, every year, Fairy tail takes part in it and does a parade at the end of the night. Flowers were everywhere, people at each stand to get a glimpse at what people were selling. Finally, she arrived at the stand that caught her eye. It was full of crop-tops, dresses, skirts, and shorts. There were also earrings and a piercing section. Deciding to get yet another one, Gabbey walked over to the man that was doing them. 

        "How much to get a piercing?" She asked in a semi-polite tone. 

        "Depends on where it's at. Ear piercings are 10 jewls, eyebrow piercings are 15 jewls - so forth." The man glanced up at Gabbey through his fridge across his forehead. "But, seeing as your ears are already pierced to the max, I'm assuming you don't want an ear piercing?"
        "Eyebrow piercing - and I'm sure I can fit some more piercings on my ear." She stated, messing with the hoops and studs that covered one ear before digging in her pocket and pull out the correct amount of jewls. "I want the one with spikes."
        "How did I know you were going to want that?" The man hummed, walking over to his station to get ready. "Your ear piercings look like they were done a while ago. How long?"
        "Years, don't know how many. My brother pierced my ears - both of them - and I pierced his ears." Gabbey explained - not wanting an awkward silence as she laid down in a chair. 
        "So not professionally done?" He hummed, walking back over. "They look pretty good. You're from Fairy tail as well."

        "Yup, Fairy tail." She rolled her eyes. 

        "Fun guild - hold on - there." Gabbey felt the slight pinch as the earring went through skin but didn't even flinch at the sting. "Congrats, you now have a eyebrow piercing. I'm assuming you know how to take care of it?"

        "Not my first rodeo." Gabbey commented, getting up from the chair. "Thanks."
        "Just doing my job."

    Gabbey hummed and stepped back out, quickly giving the clothes a once over before moving on. She didn't even make it a block down the road before something unusual made her ear twitch. With quick reflexes, Gabbriel dropped to the ground and did a diving roll to the left.

    The flower pot that was to the right of her head shattered into pieces and flew everywhere. Gabbey flicked her hand - and with a small magic circle - her dagger appeared as she jumped up. "Metal-Make; Thorns!" She chanted, the small metal projectiles shooting out from her palm and magic circle. 
        "Gun Magic; Sunlight Shot!
    Gabbey dove again to the side before standing in a fighting stance. "What the hell are you doing?!" She spat, narrowing her eyes. "Are guildmates even allowed to purposely make harmful attacks towards each other?!"
        "Like you're one to talk!" The fairy spat back. She had to think. . .He's name was something with 'Zach'. . . "You're from Phantom Lord!"
        "Nice one, Zach! You're the brightest star here." Gabbey mocked.

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