🌹 The "Friendly" Visitors

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Warm sunlight filtered through the closed window of the bedroom that held to sleeping figures. Gabbey laid there, not yet awake along with Daella. The dandy Exceed was curled up to Gabbey's chest wearing a cute sleeping outfit the two of them got made for her. During the time that Daella has been here, she has gotten basic knowledge of Earthland and new outfits for her wardrobe. 

It wasn't but an easy month that past; with Gabbriel and Daella trying out their new partnership, Gabbriel trying to become closer to the members in Fairy Tail without making it seem to obvious, and twin bonding with Gajeel every weekend. 

Gabbriel, of course, went out on missions every chance she felt like it. Every mission was different, group wise. Sometimes it was just herself on a solo, other times Daella joined her. If she wanted, Levy, Wendy and Gajeel would join her. And if she really thought she could handle it, she joined little missions with Natsu and his team. 

Sometimes. Other times, it was too much of a headache.

Of course, speaking up headaches, that's exactly what woke Gabbey up. 

The curly-haired Dragon Slayer let out a groan of pain as she slowly started to wake up. It was just at the top of her head and it felt like a pinch of a nerve. She swore that there was someone was hitting her over the head with a bat though. To add to that irritation, her jaw felt sore.

Her red eyes fluttered open and instantly closed when the bright light made it worse. "Motherfucker," She cursed quietly, squinting her eyes to see that Daella was still asleep. "I didn't think I drank that much last night. . .or got into a fight,"

Gabbriel slowly sat up in her now shared bed, making sure not to bother Daella, and scratched her head. "I don't even think I drank at all. . ."

She sighed, running her hand through her hair, and almost choked on her dry throat. Eyes wide, she got out of bed as fast as she could without waking anyone else in the house and ran to the bathroom. Her head whipped over to the mirror and she instantly made her way over. 

Her eyes were still the blood red that Redfox's have - at least that's what she thought - and her hair was a complete mess of curls and bed head. But that wasn't the probably. 

Gabbey ran her hand through her hair again, closer to the scalp, and almost let out a shriek as her fingers bumped onto something. Whatever it was, it was exactly where her headache was coming from. 

   "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck! " Gabbey hissed, combing through her hair to try and see what this thing was. Not being very successful, the only thing that Gabbriel manged to see was that the top of her head now had two bumps. Not noticeable enough to tell, but if she pulled her hair back or someone touched her head, they could tell. "W-What?!"

Her eyes went to mouth and she bared her teeth, eyes widening in shock. Her teeth were much sharper than they were yesterday. Although she naturally had sharp canines from her dragon slaying magic, they were too sharp, and her normal teeth should not be as pointed as they were. 

   "What's going on??" Gabbey stammered, raising a shaking hand to her face. "I-I'm not. . .Am I growing horns?!"

   "Gabbey," A knock sounded at her bathroom door, making Gabbriel jump in surprise, before the tired voice of Daella spoke up. "Are you done in there? I need to take a bath, and Levy wants to meet at the guild soon to trade books. . ."

   "Y-Yeah," Gabbey cleared her throat, turning on the water at the sink before turning it off a moment later. "Just got done."

She opened the door and looked down at her furry partner, smiling as Daella sleepily rubbing her eye.  "Thank you," Daella yawned, walking into the bathroom and shutting it firmly behind her. 

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