🌹 The Solo Attack

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   "I really thought I got it into her mind that you guys were her family, that family fights together." Lil felt tears well in her eyes. "I didn't realized what she was really doing until I read a different letter she wrote to me. I came here as fast as I could."

   "You did the right thing," Makarov assured the woman. "You did your best to bring her back to us as well, so thank you."

   "That does sound like something Gabbey would do," Daella spoke softly, her eyes slowly gaining its hardness back. "We have to go after her, now!"

   "El, calm down," Lily tried to sooth, but it came out more like an order. Daella knew what he meant though. "We will."

   "Master, we still do not have a plan," Erza reminded him. 

   "Oh, I know. That's why we must think quickly, Gabbey has already three to four hours on us." Makarov turned slightly towards Mirajane, who was passing beers around to her guildmates. "Mira! Do you happen to have a map?"

   "I'm sure we have one in the back!" Mira replied, quickly scuttling off to the back room. 

   "Hopefully, with an old map, Caister City will be on it." Makarov answered the unasked question. At this, though, Lil straighten up. 

   "Caister City?"

   "Yes, we believe that's where Serpents are, which is where Gabbey is heading." Levy turned towards Lil. 

   "You won't find it on any map," Lil fumbled with her fingers. "But. . ."

   "But?" Gray pressed. 

   "I use to live in Caister City," Lil admitted. "I got out before the incident, but I still remember the way."

   "How do we get there?!" Gajeel exclaimed, whipping his head around so fast it scared them. 

   "Y-You just take the railroad tracks down to Roanoke and head towards the surrounding forest." Lil explained. 

   "Well, lets go them!" Natsu shouted. "I want to kick some butt already!"

He was already marching towards the door before Erza grabbed him by the scarf and yanked him back.

   "Take me with you!" Lil demanded. 

The members of Fairy tail exchanged surprised, not knowing exactly what to say to her request. It wasn't everyday they had someone with no magic wanting to go with them. That, alone, was risky and dangerous. Even so now, since they were up against a dark guild.

   "I-I don't think it's a good idea," Lucy tried to persuade her. 

   "It's probably the best idea you guys could have," Lil stated. "If you go through those woods without a guide to led you, you'll just get lost. I know the way to Caister City like it was the back of my hand. I-It's a full days walk, you've got to take me with you!"

   "What about Yui?" Juvia asked. Lil's gaze turned towards Makarov, who rose an eyebrow. 

   "Could you ask Macao to watch Yui for me? Just for today and tomorrow? He knows who I am, just tell him Lil Conners asked." 

   "If you really think they need a guide."

   "They do. You don't have time to find another guide anyways."

   "Very well," Makarov turned his gaze towards the group of fairies. Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Gray, Levy, Wendy, Gajeel, Happy, Pantherlily, Daella, and Carla stared back. "Go find Gabbriel and bring her home."



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