🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt 1.)

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        "Uh. . .You two are the mages that took this request?" 
    Gajeel let out a irritable huff, opening his mouth to retort something - Gabbriel beat him to it, putting her hand on Gajeel's mouth and giving the woman the sweetest smile she could muster.

        "Of course, Miss. . ."

        "Miss Donna." Gabbriel nodded and continued. "We showed you our guild marks, told you our names, even told you exact dates we joined. What is the problem?"

    The older lady gave them another once-over, her eyes locking on to every bandaged part and bruises that showed. . .and it really didn't help their eyes were as red as blood and their teeth were as sharp as knives. "No offense. . .But you guys look like trouble."

        "It's because someone decided to attack the train we were on." Gabbriel lied smoothly.

        "They took us by surprise and managed to get the upper hand at first." Gajeel played along, tugging the bond between them to say he would get her back.

        "I see. . ." The lady murmured before sighing. "That would explain everything. . .Alright - I'll show you guys your rooms. Around noon time is when I would like to start."
     The twins nod in unison before following the requester to their rooms. As soon as Gabbey entered her small - but cozy-looking room - she collapsed onto her bed. 

        "Oh my god!" She moaned. "What kind of mattress is this? It's amazing!"
        "Memory Foam. . ." A  voice answered from the doorway. Taken by surprise, Gabbey spun around as a metal dagger appeared in her hand. The person who had answer her was a tall boy - not much older than 14 - who jumped back in surprise. 
         "S-Sorry!" Gabbriel quickly apologized, throwing the dagger into the air as it disappeared at her command. "I've been having to be on guard"

        "So you know magic? You're going to teach us later on?" The boy asked, completely ignoring her excuse. 

        ". . .Yeah. What's your name, kid?"

        "Dallas. But I go by Dally." He puffed out his chest. "I'm 15 and I'm the oldest kid here!"
        "Really?" Gabbey drawled, deciding to humor the kid. "So everyone must look up to you, being the oldest and all."
     Dallas - or Dally - scoffed and crossed his arms. "Of course! They always have looked up to me."

         "That's good." Gabbey smiled, pushing herself off the bed and stalking closer to the boy. His eyes widen in surprise - Gabbriel quickly noted that Dally's eyes were brown - as he backed up. Lowering her head to where she was the same height as Dally, she smiled. "Now you have to look up to my brother and I."

    And before he could retort, Gabbriel slammed the door shut. "Now~" The black-hair girl yawned and flopped back onto her bed. "Where was I?"


        "Here they are. We only have eight kids living here, so they are all in here." Miss Donna explained, pushing open dark, oak wood doors. True to her word, eight kids were in the room - sitting on the chairs or running around. 
    There was Dally - who glanced up at the three adults but quickly looked away - sitting in one of the chairs.  There were three girls - two brunettes who looked to be around ten or eleven, with a younger girl who had red hair, most likely six. They looked like they were fixing the red-heads hair. 

    Then there were four other boys, two of them - who looked like twins with their identical blue hair - who were chasing each other and the other boy with blonde hair sitting in a chair across from Dally.  A child that looked no more than five was punching a teddy bear before tripping over his own feet and falling - taking the bear with him.

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