🌹 The Final Countdown

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If Gabbriel Redfox knew anything about the world she lived in, it was the fact that life loved to throw a curve ball when you needed it the least. 

So much has happened from the time Gabbriel and Gajeel lost to Natsu, absolutely on the ego inflated high that they were superior,  to the time where the four Dragon Slayers of her new home fought a metal dragon, together. 

To think, it hasn't even been a full year yet.

The Iron Twins really did put themselves through a lot. 

The only thing that Gabbriel could feel right now, was the pain Hughie had subjected her to. It was much different from last time, too. 

Last time, Gabbriel had a bond with her twin brother. She could feel Gajeel push reassurance through their bond, love, strength and energy. Even if he wasn't even doing anything, Gabbey felt like Gajeel was really by her side. His presence in her mind was like a trick she used to make a phantom of him standing next to her. 

But now, she didn't even get the feeling of him worrying for her. As much as it hurt, knowing she destroyed the only thing the twins relied on since Metalcana left, she didn't regret. 

Because even though he never told her, Gabbey knew when the pain became too much for her own body, her tight grip on her bond loosened and Gajeel felt everything she felt. 

So, no, Gabbriel was not too upset when she subconsciously reached out for her brother, only to feel nothing but darkness. Alone, but not upset. 

Gabbriel also had another person in the same position as her, just hanging across the room from her almost three years ago. They did everything to keep the numbness away. They retold stories, shared wishes and secrets, and even planned out a future the two of them would live out. Together. 

But, the red-eyed woman hung alone in the dank room, having been there for hours now. Her mind was running on its end, doing everything it could just to keep the woman sane. Because the last thing it needed was for Gabbriel to go insane. 

But wasn't she already insane?

Gabbriel thought that she could take down Serpents by herself. That she could solve this problem without the help from her guild. If it wasn't for the shocking revel of her assassin, Gabbriel was sure she could have made it at least to the castle. 

Gabbey rolled her shoulders, hissing in slight pain as the wound on her back pulled. She felt the warm blood drip down her shoulder blades and down her back, staining a trail on its way. She couldn't see it, but she no doubt knew there were words carved into her back.

Hughie's idea. 

As if she heard her name, the said older woman swung the still creaking door open. "Hello!" She purred. "Wondering what kind of words people will be saying behind your back?"

   "Has it already been an hour?" Gabbey replied, eyes sticking to the ground. 

   "More less," Hughie drawled. "The sun is just now starting to rise." When Gabbey made no retort, she huffed childishly. "You use to be fun to torture, now it's just a bore! You won't even say something sarcastic! Or look at me!"

  "Wonder why," Gabbey muttered with an eye roll, a soft breath escaping her mouth. Hughie snarled, a dagger appearing in her hand within seconds. 

   "I guess I'll just have to reteach you some manners then, won't I?"


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