🌹 The Offerings

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Not even a week had past before something. . .different happened at Fairy tail.

In the middle of the guild rebuilding its' structure, a young, black hair girl with aqua eyes ran in. She held a small box that was wrapped.

   "Hello?!" She called out, making attention turn to her. "Do you know where the guild master is? Master. . .Makro?"

   "Master Makarov," The said man corrected, jumping off the wooden seat he was on and walking towards the girl. "I am he. How may I help you?"

The young girl took in the Master's short height - she was almost taller than him - before bowing in respect. "Hello sir! My name is Yui! I have a present for you!"

   "A present?" He rose a white eyebrow. "From whom?"

   "Mmm. . ." Yui looked around the guild hall and saw everyone staring at the two of them curiously. "I can't tell you out loud. I mean, sh-they didn't say not too, but I'm not sure they would like it going around."

Makarov stared the girl down for a short second before tilting his head towards the busy street of Magnolia. "Alrighty then. Follow me."

They didn't really walk far, the two of them standing half-way between Fairy tail's guild hall and the cobblestone road of Magnolia.

   "Well, whose it from?" Makarov held out both of his hands and close his eyes.

   "Gabbriel Redfox, sir."

At this, the Master snapped his eyes open in shock and anger as Yui placed the box in his awaiting hands.

   "How does a little girl like you get involved with someone like her?" He mused, mostly just to hide his anger.

   "Gabbey was a little girl once as well, sir, in case you forgot. I heard about what she did to Fairy tail - but you also got to remember. People like that weren't born, they were made."

Makarov stared at the girl with surprise. "If I may ask, how old are you?"

   "Seven, sir."

   "You are very wise for your age. Very polite as well. . .more polite than my brats. . ."

Yui smiled at the compliment before motioning to the box. "Well, are you going to open it?"

   "Do you know what's in here?" He asked, slowly unwrapping the ribbon and taking the box off.

   "Of course I do. My mother was the one to wrap it and I was the one to memorize what to say." Yui cleared her throat before reciting what she was suppose to say. "Don't expect an apology, because I'm not going to give one. But rest easy knowing we're not coming back for revenge.'"

As Yui recited it, Makarov stared at the present in the box. Inside was a metal rose - Gabbriel's signature mark of course - and a small Fairy Tail mark made of metal.

   "Yui. . .Do you happen to know where Gajeel and Gabbriel went?"

   "No idea, sir. If I may, I have to go help my mother with chores at my house."

   "Alright," Makarov patted the girls head fondly. "Keep up that spirit and wisdom you have. Thank you for delivering."

   "No problem!" Yui sent one last smile before turning on her heel and skipping off. Makarov watched the young girl until he couldn't anymore before looking down at the metal objects.

  . . .Redfox, huh?


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