Chapter 10

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*Natalia Mustafina*

I tucked Alexei in his bed then walked to the living room and resumed my Clint Eastwood movie with a bowl of popcorn on my lap. I snuggled closer to my boyfriend and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know why you like this movie." He murmured.

"Cowboys are badass." I stuffed popcorn in my mouth.

Kurt chuckled, "Yeah, maybe in the forties."

"Actually, cowboys have existed since the 1800s." I glance up at him. "And look at that one. Super sexy."

"You said I was super sexy." He grumbled and sounded childlike.

"Yes you are you big teddy bear." I turned and kissed him.

"Teddy bear?" He glanced at himself, "I though I was more of a gladiator."

"Teddy bears are cuddly, gladiators have swords and armor." I explained.

"Auntie Nat?" I heard Alexei's sleepy voice from the doorway.

I sat up and looked at him, "Hey sweetie, what is it?" he rubbed his eye and looked at his snuggly blanket, "You can't sleep?"

"Can't sleep." He repeated with a nod.

"I'll be right back." I kissed Kurt again and got up. "Well, I have just the thing to help you sleep." I said and picked him up. "Do you wanna sleep in mommy's room?" he nodded and put his head in my shoulder. "Guess what? If you sleep in here," I sat down at the edge of Amy's bed and set him at its centre, "you will wake up tomorrow and mommy will magically be here, next to you."


"Would I lie to you?" I fake-scowled. "Now get in there and sleep away." I kissed his forehead and tucked a blanket around him. Amy was probably going to be back early morning. Alexei wasn't a clingy child per se but he did sometimes just want his mother. And Amy was out more nights than not lately. I had pushed her into having a good time but she really had to make time for Alexei.

I turned off the light and walked back to Kurt and settled down again.

The door rattled and opened a few minutes later. Amy poured in. She looked like a train wreck. Her hair was ruffled, mascara streaked from her eyes down her cheeks and her lipstick was smudged. One strap of her dress had fallen from her shoulder.

"Dude,  what's going on?" I asked. She choked a cry for a second then burst into a full on sob. "Whoa." Amy was not a crier, this was bad.

Kurt got up, "I should probably go."

I nodded, "Probably." he walked to me and kissed me, "I'll call you." He exited. "Ames, what's going on?" She kept crying and I walked her to the couch, "Come on. It can't be that bad." 

She paused the crying and let out a few whimpers which I think were meant to be words.

"Amy, you can tell me. Whatever it is, you can tell me." She shook her head, "I'll make you some tea and you can talk about it."

"My father's letter..." she sniffled when I put the steaming cup in her hands. 

"Oh, you read it!" I said with more energy than was probably appropriate given how upset she was, "Oh you read it." I said again, adjusting the tone. "What did it say?"

She sipped her tea, "He's a jerk." she breathed and swiped tears from one cheek.

"Well, we both knew that." I huffed out and sat down with my own cup. I turned off the TV and waited for her to carry on speaking. "Why this time in particular?"

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