Chapter 11

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*Amethyste Joie*

Natalia was out with her Rugby player boyfriend. They were at a soccer match and would be gone till midnight. I put a sleeping Alexei in bed and covered him. I had hoped that he would be awake by now and help diffuse the tension between his father and I. Your brother, my mind reminded my accusingly. Remember that.

I poured myself a fifth of vodka and downed it.

A knock sounded at the door and I poured myself some more, downed it then when to open the door. Alcohol was probably not a good idea in this scenario but hey, my nerves were on overdrive. Five o'clock sharp Alek was at the door. His green eyes bright and clear, he had changed out of his suit and was wearing dark blue jeans and a purple golf shirt. He looked years younger, almost a teenager. He kind of reminded me of the island seven years ago.

I stepped away and let him in then shut the door, leaning on it as if I was going to pass out. He had showered, and he smelled clean, like the rain on a hot day. I turned to him and he was standing so close I could feel the heat coming off his skin. The same time I stood on my toes, he bent down and our lips met in heat and lust. Thought left through the window as he pulled me to him with unspeakable force. My chest was crushed to his rock solid one. My hand snaked up to his jaw the same time his moulded my backside as if committing it to memory. I parted my lips for him to delve his tongue into my mouth, mine dueled his for dominance. He groaned and the kiss grew fierce and backed me into the door. He moved to my jaw, down my neck and to my shoulder. Oh gods, we had to stop. But it felt so good!

"Alek." I gasped, his hands found the inside of my cotton top and glided up to my yearning breasts. Stopping him became a distant memory, his hands cast a wicked spell on my sex drive and I found myself hitching my leg to his waist. That earned a growl from him and he lifted me more securely and brushed his lips over the sensitive skin at the base of my throat.

"Alexei is in the next room." I struggled with the words, they were foreign to me. I only knew the pleasure waiting for me from the touch of his hands.

He lifted me and planted me on the ground then stepped away, "Sorry." He said with a groan.

I shook my head and put hands in my jean pockets, "No, I started. I shouldn't have." I actually don't know who moved in for the kiss.

"Améthyste, I don't believe that it is so." He took my arm and ignored the electric current ricocheting between us, "This feels too right, too good."

"Maybe that's why it's too good." I whispered, my eyes clashed with green ones and I blinked first, "Come, he's asleep." I turned from him and headed down the hall. "He's not a fan of strangers and sometimes he has all this energy, so don't be alarmed if he suddenly wakes up and starts running on the roof or something." It usually happened, when Alexei woke up he usually had so much energy he actually attempted to climb the wall but wound up on the floor. In the supermarket, he would always try to climb the shelves or yank out all the boxes of cereal. I was convinced my son had ADHD but the psychologist had insisted over and over again he that he was still too young to diagnose.

"ADHD?" I queried.

"No, maybe. Dr Marks said—"

"It is. I had it too. Well, still have it." Oh, I hadn't figured him for the ADHD type, he was so disciplined, so focused. "It took a whole lot of Ritalin and Occupational Therapy. Father always just thought I was insolent." He thought out loud

I said nothing to that, just turned the doorknob and let him in. The room was much more cluttered than the last time he was in it. The toy castle was toppled over and missing a few parts, toy trucks and toy cars were turned over and on a small table, broken crayons and colourful papers were strewn everywhere. He walked to the bed where the boy slept and saw him, quietly and breathing gently. Long lashes were on the tips of his eyelids, his small face was relaxed and his mouth was slightly opened and he kept muttering something incoherent. Small hands opened and closed frequently, he took one in his own and it closed around his fingers.

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