Chapter 14

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Why can he not see it?

Why does she not see it?

He is mine!


I have tried warning her but she doesn't listen. The message is simple: stay away from my man. I don't know how much clearer I have to be. 

Maybe she'll understand me better when I show her just how serious I am. I reach for the phone and dial.

"Say the name and I'll play the game." the male voice on the other side answers.

"I am in no mood." I snap.

He laughs, "You know I jest, Lady Sunshine, you know I jest." He laughs some more, "What can I do you for?"

"I need a special favour." I croon.

"You know a special favour requires a special request." he shoots back.

I scowl and tighten my grip on the phone, "I am not in the business of trading sex for favours." I growl between my teeth, "I am above it."

He huffs a few laughs, "Then you must not need that favour badly enough. Give me a holler when you change your mind." He is going to hang up in three seconds.

I close my eyes and grit my teeth, "Wait!" Ugh, the man may be spectacular in the sack but I prefer our encounters when I initiate them. "Fine. Meet me at the Clairborn Hotel in an hour."

"Should I bring the handcuffs?" he asks, a smiled plays in his voice.


"This must be some favour." He says and hangs up.

He has no idea.


*Aleksandr Christakis*

Améthyste sat stoically in my penthouse office the envelope on the table between us. Neither of us wanted to open it. Would it confirm Pierre's claim or disprove it? I stared at the legal-sized envelope with enough intensity to burn a hole through it. Every cell in my body wanted more than anything to reach across for her and kiss my way into her hot sweet mouth and tangle my tongue with hers. She sank her teeth into that lush cushiony lip and breathed in, I held back a groan. Lust roared through me and I took a slow controlled breath, hoping not to get the traces of her vanilla perfume or raspberry hair shampoo. 

When I had seen her name flashing on my phone I had thought she wanted another round. It was only when her voice shrank and said, "The results are back." that I banked the simmer in my bloodstream and asked when she wanted to meet.

She had shown up three hours later, not in scrubs but a floral dress and a light blue cardigan. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had the fateful envelope in her hands.

"Are you going to open it?" her voice faltered but brought me back to the present. My eyes narrowed but I didn't respond. "Alek." She picked up the envelope and opened it.

"Wait." I called as the paper began to emerge, "Once you read that, this will all change."

She stopped extracting the paper and looked at me, "But we can't keep doing this, Alek." she shook her head. 

She had a point there; the sooner we found out the truth the better, "Come here." I said softly.

She bit back a moan, "Alek don't do this." The tone of her voice only riled me up.

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