Chapter 5

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*Améthyste Joie*

I was playing action figures with Alexei when my phone rang. I was off work and taking my turn babysitting my son. As usual Alexei pounced for the phone and answered it.

"Privet." The voice on the other line said something, "Mama dsez'." He passed the phone to me.

"Hello." I put down the Thor action figure and crossed my legs.

"He speaks good Russian." Alek's voice rumbled in my ear.

My systems went on high alert, "Well he is mostly Russian." I said plainly, "On both his parent's side." This was not common knowledge but I spoke Russian and Greek as well as my home language, in fact, I was fluent in over eight European languages thanks to the throng of housekeepers and au pairs my father had hired for me over the years.

"Have you thought about my proposal?" straight to the point.

Excitement played deep in my stomach, "Alek, it has only been six hours."

A smile was playing at the edges of his voice, "Well, have you? I want to see you tonight. Now. Whichever comes first." Clearly he was hinging by a nail from his self-control. At least he hadn't resorted to tossing me over his shoulder.

I caught the Iron Man action figure that Alexei tossed, "I'm busy."

"Can't your cousin watch the boy?" he suggested.

"No. She's working until six." My hand went up to stop Alexei from getting up and running out of the room but missed him. "I can see you after that." Oh gods, did I just say that?!

"I'll send a driver to pick you up." With that he disconnected the call.

For a few moments I hugged the phone to my chest. Had I just said yes to be Aleksandr's booty call? Butterflies were having a soiree at the pit of my stomach and my nipples ached in anticipation.

A crash in the next room pulled me out of my train of thought. Alexei. What on Earth was he destroying in the kitchen? I got up, threw the phone on the table and ran after him. The bottom cupboard was open and several plastic containers were on the floor. Alexei was playing with the brightest one. With a sigh I stooped down and put the dishes back before scooping him up with his green square container. He sang a song about a mouse and a clock but by the time they got back to the living room it was about a train and a bird.

I put him down in front of his table then opened a colouring book for him and set a tin of crayons in front of him. The plastic container was immediately forgotten and he became engrossed in the colours and the drawings. The child psychologist had told Amy that Alexei had some markers of ADHD but not enough to classify him there. He needed a lot of activities to channel his extra energy and his short attention span. The apartment was filled with a variety of toys, games, themed activities, books and even an obstacle course. Natalia always joked that we could open a small amusement park in the spare room.

At five-thirty I had showered and was trying to figure out which outfit to wear for her meeting with Alek. This is not a date, Amy. This is not a date. The door opened as I threw the only black dress I owned across the bed. Natalia came in and Alexei kicked his car in the corner of the room. She stood quietly as I rummaged in her closet.

"That's I-have-a-really-hot-date posture. I can tell it anywhere. Is it with Alek? The guy from this morning?" I did not reply, just pulled out a green top then tossed it back, "Go with the black number. It's always the way to go."

My brows furrowed and stepped away from the wardrobe and gave Natalia a narrow-eyed gaze, "Are you approving?"

"Of anything that will get you laid? Hell yes!" she fetched Alexei's car and gave it back to him. "You need action. You need to sweep out the cobweb in there every once in a while."

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