Chapter 12

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The first part of this chapter is told in someone's POV but I can't put in the name yet. Most of you will figure it out quite quickly but I felt I needed to do it like this for the story's dimensions.



I love him.

I love him.

I love him.

He is mine.

I know he is!

No one deserves him but me. 

I have been waiting for him to notice me.

He looks at me sometimes. He smiles at me.

But he never notices.

I'm going to have to take extraordinary measures to get his attention. My therapist voted against the idea but I'm the boss of her and she can't tell me what to do. 

I pull out a folder. My father's folder. I found it among mom's old things when I was twelve and it was like a roadmap to my success. It had everything inside. Pictures, letters, small gift items like necklaces, rings and a portrait of my father. The first time I saw it I almost cried. But the more I read through the folder the more I realised that my mother had been a weak woman who had never fought for the man she loved and had died a sad lonely death.

I am not my mother's daughter. I am stronger than her. I will fight for my man.

I just have to get rid of a few pests first.

Aleksandr Christakis will be mine.

All mine.


*Amethyste Joie*

Lilia's birthday party was in full swing when I finally arrived. Natalia had practically forced me out of the house to make me come here. 

"Glad you could make it girlfriend." Lilia touched her cheek to mine and gave me an air kiss, "And I'm sorry I kinda freaked out the last time we spoke." She was in a shocking red dress that cut off waaay above the knees and gold four inch stilettos.

I picked up a champagne flute from a passing waitron, "It's okay. You were right. Alek and I— it was a bad idea." I waved a careless hand.

Lilia beamed and took my free hand, "I know it's my birthday, but I have a present for you." She steered me through the crowd and to the bar, "Since you have stopped sleeping with my brother I have someone here I think you will get along very well with."

"Come on Lilia, I don't want to be set up with anyone." I tried to yank my hand away.

Of course Lilia heard none of this as she kept weaving around groups of people, "This is Thomas," Lilia said and tapped a tall man with a grey suit in the shoulder, he turned to us and smiled. "Thomas, this is Amy." She looked from me to the him, "Amy is a doctor and so is Thomas." She waved a hand in a circle, "Discuss." With that, she drifted away to a group of girls with curls and hair so big it needed its own passport.

"Sorry. She's always doing that." Thomas chuckled shyly, "I'm Thomas." He held out a hand to me.

Amy nodded, "So I gathered. Amy. Pleased to meet you."

He smiled a brilliant white smile, "So you and Lilia are friends?" he started.

"Yeah. You?"

"Friends." I  knew what that meant. Thomas was handsome, yes-- with sharp grey eyes and light blonde hair, high cheek bones and a superman jaw; his skin was tanned and golden--he was attractive enough but I wasn't in the business of taking Lilia's sloppy seconds. But I might as well talk to him because the alternative was to either stand alone in the corner or speak to Alek who was currently speaking to a woman in a barely-there dress whose legs just went on forever. "She tells me you work at the Hospital. How come I haven't seen you before?"

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