Chapter 27

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*Améthyste Joie*

/eight months later/

I hadn't realised how diluted my French was until I moved back to Paris. It wasn't bad, it just didn't sound as eloquent as I thought it would among my people. But in my defense I hadn't actively spoken it in over twelve years. That and my aunt and cousins mostly spoke English and Russian to me. 

As agreed, Henri Denes helped me move into an apartment in the city, enroll for business classes at ENS Paris. Alexei quickly adjusted to our new home, I got him a spot at my old school and he didn't skip a bit (don't tell anyone but his French was better than mine). My first few months back I had felt really touristy, I had taken Alexei to see the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, the Arch de Triomphe, Notre Dame cathedral. I couldn't do it anymore, not with my swollen ankles and not to mention non-existent stamina. We were at Disneyland when I had first gotten sick.

I had sat on the tiled bathroom floor and stared as the stick turned blue. I had cried for over an hour and had gotten up and washed my face. I had debated telling Alek but he hadn't tried to contact me so I had decided not to tell him. Probably a bad idea that would backfire in the future. 

I rubbed my large belly and scribbled a few notes as my lecturer spoke in a flat monotonous voice. It was weird being back in school after leaving medical school three years ago. But I was determined to put all things Edenfield behind me and move forward. Not to mention numbers had always been my thing, I had chosen not to go into accounting or business just to spite my father. 

Class ended right as I was nodding off, my gods this pregnancy was draining me. I was either hungry or sleepy. The last time wasn't like this... well maybe it was. I slowly rose and gathered my books and walked out of class. I had to pick up Alexei and drop him off at his piano class. The routine activities had put a dimmer on his ADHD. He still drove his teachers crazy but it wasn't like it was back in Eden. I had an hour free before my Economics class so I could put my feet up afterwards. 

My books slipped out of my hands and I quickly bent down to pick them. I wasn't this clumsy. I had surgeon hands. I walked to the lift, talking to Sam, one of my classmates. He said goodbye and headed for the library. I pressed the lift call button and waited. My phone beeped and I transferred my books to one arm and pulled it out. Natalia had sent me a picture of the puppy she and Kurt had adopted. Chip was his name, he was a pure white Maltese poodle and had the cutest face you ever saw. Well, not ever. I smiled and walked into the lift. 

I tripped over something, probably my own feet; I could barely see them anymore and my books fell out of my hands again. Come on, Ames. I sighed and went to pick them up again. A hand-not mine-found them first and gathered them. 

I froze. Watched him collect my books in his hands

Watched him rise to face me.

How the hell had he found me?

Well, I wasn't that hard to find. And Natalia had probably told him where to find me.

He was dressed in black jeans and a blue and red checked shirt. His hair was tousled and his green eyes were half-lidded. He trailed his gaze from my messy ponytailed hair, to my face, to my stomach and back to my face.

"What are you doing here?" I backed into the lift doors as they closed. Too late to get out. 

He stepped forward and reached for my belly, "It's mine, isn't it?" his free hand touched our growing baby. He looked up at me, "Isn't it?"

His perfume took me right back to our last night together, "Alek." I breathed, dammit, I couldn't still feel like this. Especially considering I was thirty-one weeks pregnant. 

"Eight months, Améthyste, eight." He leaned into me and put his forehead on my shoulder, "I thought you would at least call."

I gasped, and touched his hair, "I thought you would." I inhaled more of his cologne, "want to see your son."

"I did. I wanted to but," he looked at me and stepped away, "I thought it would be too painful to see you and not be able to have you."

The lift reached the ground floor and I got out, he followed me, "Alek, I can't deal with this right now. I have to get Alexei from school and I have another class afterwards."

"Améthyste, please." he said as we walked across the hall to the exit. My car was parked in the student parking lot. "Can we just talk about this?" a few heads turned to watch Alek follow me. I wasn't as fast as I used to be and my legs were shorter than his so he caught up with me with ease.

I stopped and turned to him, he stopped in his tracks, "Let me expedite this for you: yes, this is your child, no I was not going to tell you, yes, you can see Alexei and no, I do not love you back." I started crying after that.

More people stopped to watch us argue. This was probably not the best place to have this discussion but I was out of patience and not to mention the hormones put my emotions on overdrive.

His face fell but he was clearly not buying it. He slowly closed the distance between us and took my hand. I let him, "I know you don't mean that." his voice shook, "And even if you do, I am willing to love you for the both of us." he took a shaky breath, "I wasn't there for you the last time, and it was entirely my fault. I want to be here this time." his eyes met mine again, "Please give me that chance. And if you don't want me with you after the baby is born, then I will leave."

I licked my lips and blinked more tears out of my eyes and down my cheeks, "The thing is Alek, I don't want you to stay until the baby is born." he started to speak again but I put my arms around his neck, "I want you to stay forever."

His face lit up and he dropped my books-those poor books-and pulled me into a kiss. "Oh Améthyste, do you really mean that?"

"Well, I have been in love with you for the last seven years." I said and kissed him again.

His beautiful smile came up to his eyes, "What do you say we go and collect our son?" He picked me up.

I squealed, "Alek, I must weigh over 60 kilos."

"You barely weighed forty k's dripping wet." he kissed me again and started walking.

I giggled, "You forgot my books."

He put me down and went to collect them, "So bossy all of a sudden," he picked me up again.

And carried me out to our future.


A/N: This is the end of my very first book. It might be a tad cliché but I am a sucker for happy endings. So let me know what you think, what I can improve and please spread the word about my book. I am proud of it... humbly proud (if there is such a thing)

I might be starting another story soon. Look out for the title as soon as I come up with one.

NB: No books were harmed in the making of this story.

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