Chapter 13

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*Améthyste Joie*

"Where are you two going so early in the morning?" I asked when I saw Natalia and Alexei bustling about the house.

Natalia put in a packet of chips, a small tub of cut fruit and two juice boxes in Alexei's backpack, "Field trip." Alexei said in unison with his aunt.

"Did you forget?" Alexei asked and zipped the bag shut.

They gave me accusing eyes and I cracked a smile, "What?" I sang, "No, of course not... the field trip to the Science Museum...Observatory...Zoo thing."

"She forget." Alexei turned to Natalia.

"Forgot." Natalia corrected, "His class is going to the Chocolate Factory." he nodded in agreement.

I scowled and paused in the act of making coffee, "Really?" Natalia nodded, "That's a bit Willy Wonka if you ask me." I mumbled, and poured myself some coffee before reaching for the milk in the fridge.

"I'm guessing Sandra Nellist is a Roald Dahl fan." Natalia said and slipped Alexei's haldheld game into the small pocket of his backpack, "That or she just watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

I rolled my eyes, "That movie has been out for over ten years."

"Maybe she's a sucker for the classics." she turned to Alexei, "Don't lose this." she whispered softly. Alexei nodded and darted out of the room, I hopped onto the high barstool by the counter. "So. How was the Greek Princess' posh birthday party?"

"I still don't know why you refused to come with me." I sipped my coffee. Truthfully I did know why. Natalia did not get along with Lilia, it had been that way since high school. And when I asked if she could come with me she said she would rather set her hair on fire than attend.

"Oh Ames, you have wanted me to get along with that monster since high school, it will never happen, we are oil and water." she came to the counter and made her own coffee.

My phone rang and displayed Unknown on the screen, I answered, "Hello?" Nothing. "Hello?" Still nothing. I dropped the phone and resumed my coffee.

"Bad connection?" Natalia asked.

"No, it's happened before. They call, say nothing and I hang up." I sigh. "The party was great. I met a guy."

"And by a guy you mean someone other than the one you might be calling brother soon, right?" Natalia's piercing gaze was unwavering, "Because that would be ten different kinds of wrong." she drawled.

"No." I felt heat rise to my face, "He's a doctor at the Medical Centre." I explained.

She folded her arms, "Is it going somewhere? Did he ask you out?" she moved her hands to her waist, "Did you say yes?"

I shook my head with closed eyes, "And I shouldn't start anything--" I sighed and sipped more coffee, "He's smart and interesting, plus he's fun to look at."

"And," she walked closer to me, "How did your beau--or should I say ex-beau--take it?" her eyes shot into mine, leaving no room for me to even attempt lying.

"Alek was there and I--" I threw a hand in the air and looked down.

Her eyebrows dropped and she frowned, "No, please tell me you didn't!"

I'm pretty sure even my hair was blushing, "I... I didn't mean to... I couldn't stop." Natalia shook her head slowly, "Please don't judge me." I whined.

"I'not judging you." she raised her hands. Oh she was judging me alright and why wouldn't she? What Alek and I had done was unforgivable, wrong, taboo. If these were olden days, we would he beheaded for it. "Just don't turn into the Lannisters."

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