Chapter 16

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*Natalia Mustafina*

I barely slept last night. Since the police didn't find Alexei last night it was clear that someone had taken him.

That or he is lying dead in a ditch somewhere. 

Honestly I'm not sure which one is better.

I slid out of bed and rubbed my eyes and reached for my nightgown. I left my room and went to the kitchen for some coffee.

Amy was on the living room couch, her eyes were closed and she hadn't changed out of her dress. A quilt covered her lower body and mascara left streaks on her cheeks.
"She refused to go to bed." I jumped at Alek's voice. He was in the kitchen makig coffee. A dark stubble had formed on his jaw overnight. Most men would look unkempt with a stubble but he managed to look roguish. "Each time I carried her to bed she woke up and walked back here." 

He handed me a steaming cup of coffee. "She only fell asleep a couple of minutes ago." He shifted hiss gaze to her.

My eyes narrowed as I cradled m cup, "Oh my gods." I gasped as I gauged his expression, "You love her." He glanced at me for a split second, "Not just love her, you are in love with her." I whispered. A muscle jumped on his jaw.

"Can we just focus on finding Alexei?" he put his own cup down on the counter.

"You know she named him after you?" I told him. "She said it was her symbolic way of letting go of the things you had said to her that night." I forge link into his eyes, refusing to let him look away, "She said that if she let herself hate you, she would eventually hate him."

His eyes dropped and he shook his head, "I hope for her sake and yours that we will find Alexei." I fold my arms, "Because I am pretty sure that if we don't, she will blame you." I paused, "For everything."

He stared at me silently and spoke without reacting, "I called my head of security, he is looking into his disappearance." He watched Amy, "Not that I don't trust in the Police Justice System."

"Not my place to ask this but now that you know that you are her brother, are you going to consider Alexei your nephew or your son?"

"He is my son." He replied without a second thought. "I won't have him referred to as anything else."

"Are you going to stop seeing each other?" I asked.

He scowled and his eyes danced swirls of green and blue, "I don't see how that's any of your--"

"She won't be the one to push you away." I looked at Ames, she turned her head and continued sleeping, "She'll keep acting like she can but she can't."


"Vy yeye brat, Aleksandr." I said softly. You are her brother, Aleksandr.

"Ya znayu!" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Is there a switch that I can flip to turn this thing off?" His voice was low and dangerous, "Because I will flip it if you show it to me."

I dropped my gaze, "You're right, I shouldn't pretend to understand your relationship."

He opened his mouth to speak but his phone started buzzing. I walked to the livinng room and took a seat next to her.


*Aleksandr Christakis*

"Christakis." I answered.

"I got a negative on the street security cameras," Jason Leland, my head of security spoke over the phone,  "But the factory ones show that he did arrive with his class and got back on the bus at the end of the day."

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