Chapter 15

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Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. 

My fingers drummed on the car door as it moved along the motorway. Alek insitsted on driving and after searching for car keys that were in my hand I let him.

His fingers curled around the steering wheel and tightened ever so slightly with every second that passed.

My baby couldn't be missing. No, he couldn't be. Natalia was probably playing a very sick prank on me and was going to call and say: "Hey Ames, I just wanted to make sure you weren't out screwing Alek Christakis, your baby is fine, he is right here with me."

"Are you okay?" I heard Alek's voice through the haze of worry.

"Am I okay?" I turned to face him, "My child is missing!"

"Our child." He corrected quietly, "And it might not be that bad. For all we know--"

"Oh shut up Aleksandr!" I snapped. He did. I felt guilty afterwards. I snap and lose patience when I was scared. I curled into myself, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He quieted his voice. "It'll be alright." he spoke more to himself that time.

A police sedan was parked in my usual spot on the driveway as Alek pulled over on the street. I didn't wait for him to cut the engine before I launched myself out of the car and into the house.

Natalia was by the kitchen island, she leaned on its top with her face buried in her hands. The police officer was speaking to her but getting no answers.

"So it's true?" I breathed, the policeman turned around and faced me, "What happened?!" my heart felt like it was being bathed in acid.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you are?" he asked and pointed at me with his pen.

Normally I would be a bit more than irked by someone calling me ma'am but the panic monopolised my mind.

"His mother, Améthyste."

"I'm Officer Kellan O'Shea." he offered a hand to me, I stared at it like it was a foreign object.

Natalia's head rose from its resting place, "Ames!" she ran to me and threw her hands over my shoulders, "Ames I'm so sorry!"

"What happened?!" I  hugged her back.

"I went to pick him up at the drop-off point and Sandra was there, panicking, pacing and searching and I, I, I--"

"He went missing at the factory?" I scowled, "Didn't Sandra have a chaperone? Did she see who took him?"

"Ma'am. Ladies." O' Shea called with a firm voice, "It would be more helpful if you would talk to me and not to each other."

I nodded, "Did someone take him?" I asked him. Alek walked in.

"How about I ask the questions?" The officer asked, "Can we sit down?"

I nodded and led Alia to the living room couches. Alek sat down next to me and took my hand, Alia took my other one. "Mr Christakis, if it would be possible, I would like to ask them in private as--"

"I am the child's father." I looked at him, his face was unreadable.

The officer's jaw dropped and he had a dubious look on his face but quickly cleared it and sat on the single seater opposite us.

"So your son went on a field trip with his first grade class?" he read off his notepad. "Who dropped him off?"

"I did." Natalia whispered and bit her thumb. The rest of her fingernails were gone. Chewed right to the cuticle.

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