Chapter 26

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*Amethyste Joie*

I stirred as the sun came up, my vision shimmered around the edges as I  slowly sat up. Every muscle in my body ached, every nerve ending tingled and I had a headache at the back of my head. Alek was fast asleep next to me, lying face down and breathing slowly.

I slid off the bed and scurried to the living room where my clothes were strewn everywhere and dressed hastily. The wall clock read 07:47, I'd been here for over twelve hours. And I'd never be here again. My head turned back to his bedroom and I reluctantly walked back. 

He was beautiful, even in his sleep, thick dark lashes decorated his closed eyes and brushed the tops of his cheekbones. Slowly, careful not to wake him I placed a kiss on his dark head, inhaling his manly scent mixed with sweat and cologne. I moved away as he started to stir and scurried out to the elevator.

Alexei was still asleep in my bed when I tiptoed into the room. A twinge of guilt stabbed at me. He scrambled up to my bed when he had a bad dream or missed me. I hadn't been there. Just like I hadn't been there when he went missing. Spending time with Alek clearly had a detrimental effect on my relationship with Alexei.

He was in love with me. He had said that. He had told me that. But I couldn't say it back. I wouldn't say it back. My son would come first from now on. He would get my undivided attention. I dropped my purse, took off my shoes and padded to the shower. Afterwards I put on loose track pants and a tank top before climbing on the bed and cradling the sleeping boy. I was tired but I was too keyed up to sleep. So I ran my hands through Alexei's soft hair, listened to his muted snores and tightened my other arm around him. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I heard was Natalia's voice coming through the door, "Alexei! Breakfast!" I sat up and looked towards the door, she opened it and stopped halfway, "Oh, you're back. I made breakfast."

"Breakfast?" was Alexei's first word of the day. He shifted in my arms and I let him go. He slid off the bed and made for the door.

"Come on Ames, it's my last breakfast in this house. The last night you get edible home-cooked food."

I rubbed my eyes, "Enough wisecracks about my cooking skills." she started to say something but I got ahead of her, "Or lack of thereof."

Alexei was going through his scrambled eggs and Viennas, I chewed my bacon slowly and watched Natalia shuffle her breakfast around her own plate, "What time are you going?"

"Kurt's picking me up with the last of my stuff this afternoon. Did you want me to stay with Alexei while you and Alek--"

"We are done." I bit into my toast. Gods I was going to miss living with Alia. "I need to start moving. Soon."

"You know I can still babysit my favourite nephew even though I don't live here anymore." she touched his head.

"Your only nephew." he retorted.

"No, you need to spend time with your boyfriend at your new place." I took a sip of apple juice. "I'll run my errands while Alexei is at school."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You've been taking care of me for years Nat, it's your turn." I smiled at her, "And I need to learn how to take care of myself. And of Alexei."

Her mouth turned upside down and she got up and hugged me, "Ames, you will always be my sister."

"Yes." I hugged her back then pushed her back to look at her, "And once I settle down in France, I'll send you a plane ticket so you'll come visit."

"Nothing would delight me more." she giggled and hugged me again.


A/N: Okay this is probably the shortest chapter in the history of short chapters. I thought of writing a part where Amy went to see Lilia in the psychiatric centre but I'm just not that big a person. But fret not my doves it is coming to an end. The next chapter will be my last. I promise.

I pinkie swear.

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