Chapter 6

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*Améthyste Joie*

Natalia was eating cereal with Alexei when I stepped out of my room, "You know. If I had known you had this much potential, I would have gotten you laid years ago." She waved a spoon in the air, "You just came back from being on call and you look like you come from Bora Bora."

"Yes, let's just remember that the six year old in the room absorbs conversation like a sponge." I said and ruffled Alexei's hair.

"Who absorbs conversations like a sponge?" he asked around a mouthful of milk and O-tees, big green eyes set on me.

My eyes widened and I tilted her head to the child in an 'I-told-you-so' gesture. "The sponge absorbs conversations like a sponge. That's why it's called a sponge." I told him and kissed his forehead.

Alexei nodded, "Cool."

Natalia watched them with a caveman expression, "It's like living with two aliens." I poured coffee into my mug, "So how's the colouring going?"

I leaned on the cupboard and took a sip, "Really? Colouring?" Natalia nodded at Alexei who was chomping silently at his cereal. "Colourful."

"And is it-"

"I don't kiss and tell!" I feigned surprise, but my cheeks blazed/ "Or rather, colour and tell. But if you must know, that man barely stays within the lines." I winked and had more coffee.

Natalia put her spoon down and clapped, "I am proud of you girl! Very proud." I shook her head slowly but couldn't hide the silly smile on her face, "Just one question: How is his crazy sister taking the news of you 'colouring' with him?" Natalia was not a fan of Alek's sister; she was always too uppity for her liking, even in high school. She always said that Liliana Christakis had crazy eyes and a smile that gave her the willies, like she was going to grab a knife and jam it in your head then smile and say it was nothing.

I sighed, "She's not exactly a fan. And she's not crazy. I don't know why because she was always rooting for us back then. Maybe it's the whole 'no feelings' thing, who knows?"

Not a fan was an understatement. When Lilia called me for lunch last week and outright asked me about it she had been wearing her signature 'nothing bothers me' smile and asked if she was sure about the whole thing.

"It's just sex, Lil'. We're not dating. I know the terms of this arrangement." I had explained.

But Lilia had looked like she was going into self-destruct mode, "Usually when two people engage in such affairs, one or both parties tend to get hurt. I don't want him to hurt you, or you him."

I had shrugged, "He won't, I won't."

"So how long are you planning on seeing each other?"

My brows had come down over my eyes and I had leaned back, "Not to offend you here Lil', but I don't think this is any of your business. Besides, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't called me in on a favour that I didn't even know you'd done for me."

Her green eyes had bored into mine, "As you say Amy, it was a favour. And people generally tend to be more gracious about favours."

I had scowled and turned my head from one side to the other, "I don't know how things work in your world but when you call in a favour, you call it in once and you don't keep being a yatz about it." Lilia had opened her mouth to talk but I carried on, "And if I recall correctly, you said that this was me paying off the scholarship fund."

"It was a favour." Lilia had cried, "And now I am asking you to stop seeing my brother. You are my friend."

"Friends don't give orders to friends. You of all people should know that."

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