Chapter 4- The New Pack

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Eren POV:

The meeting hall is smack dab in the middle of town, which is not very far from where Levi and I live. At least, I assume that's where I live now. I mean, that's my mate's home and I need someone to take care of me. Besides, I like Levi. I'm not sure in what way yet, but I like him.

When we entered the large building in front of us, there were already people inside it waiting to meet me. I bury my face in Levi's neck as my cheeks heat up. He strokes my hair and leans his head against mine. To comfort me, he emits his pheremones and my heart rate slows back down.

"Everyone, please sit down." Everyone came to the front of the room and sat in the first row of fold-down chairs that were placed throughout the hall. (Imagine auditorium chairs.) "This is Eren. He'll be joining our pack soon. Please welcome him and help him in any way possible, for he's very malnourished and weak." Everyone gasped slightly as the blanket covering my arm (that was around Levi's neck) fell off and revealed just how bad the situation is.

"How old is he?" One of the members asked.

"18. He's been locked in a tower his whole life. This is Alpha Jeager's son... He's an omega." Gasps again. Everyone instantly understood why I was in such bad condition, because all of them knew my father. He has quite the reputation.

"If you don't mind my asking, does Eren have a mate?" A female voice asked.

"Yes." The whole crowd gasped.

"Who is it? Do we know him?" (Omegas are always the child bearer, so if they have a mate, it has to be a man.)

"Yes you know him. Because Eren's mate is none other than myself." Everyone gasped and a few covered their mouths. "Tell who you wish. I'm not ashamed. In fact, I'm quite proud." My heart sped up and I lifted my face, eyes open. Some of the people around us said something like, "what beautiful eyes" but I didn't hear them. Levi's eyes met mine and I could tell that the words he spoke were true.

"Levi..." I whispered. He placed his hand on my cheek and brought our foreheads together in a loving embrace. We both closed our eyes as a smile appeared on both pairs of lips.

The crowd filled with "aww"s and "how cute"s. When Levi and I pulled away, he looked me in the eyes and asked, "Want to meet them, sweetheart?" I nodded. "Do you want to talk to them and answer questions or do you want me to do it?"

"I-I'll do it." A few people sighed softly and a few whispered "such a cute voice." Levi smiled and sat down on the steps of the stage where we were previously standing so he could turn me to face the pack members.

"Everyone, please introduce yourselves to your soon-to-be Luna." Everyone got up and stood in a line that stretched across the meeting hall's width.

"You already know me." Hanji said with a grin. I smiled and nodded.

"Hi again." Petra smiled and waved. I returned the gesture.

"Hello Eren. My name's Marco. Nice to meet ya." I smiled at the freckled boy. He seems nice.

"Hey. I'm Jean." I laughed to myself at his horse-like features. Then, I noticed that Marco and him were holding hands and they both had a ring on their left hand.

"Are you two mates?" I asked.

"Yep. Married for 2 years now." Marco said as he turned his head to the left. Jean's name was spelled in black letters on his neck. Same with Jean, except his mark said 'Marco'.

"What are those things on their necks?" I asked, turning to look at Levi.

"They're bonding points. When mates rejoin their souls through mating, those marks will appear." He said. "Eventually, we'll both have them." I blushed at the thought of Levi's name etched onto my body. "Don't worry. We can't and won't until you've decided that you're ready. I won't rush you because we both know that once we mate, you'll get pregnant." I smiled and Levi smiled back.

"Anyways, continue." Levi said to the group.

"Hi! I'm Krista! This is Ymir." Krista pointed to the brunette woman standing next to her, then extended her left hand to show me a ring. "We just got married." I smiled at her. I think we'll be good friends.

"I'm Mikasa. This is my girlfriend Annie. We're not mates either, but neither of us have one. And we're very in love." Annie waved and planted a kiss on Mikasa's cheek, making the raven blush.

"Hi. I'm Reiner. " Reiner is a very burly guy with bleach-blonde hair. He seems friendly.

"Hello, Eren. I'm Bertholt." Good god! This guy's tall!

"Hiya Eren. I'm Erwin." Holy shit, this guy has giant eyebrows! The tall man turned around and placed his hand on something. Or, someone? "Come on out, baby. Don't hide." He said in a gentle voice. A short, blonde boy about my age walked out from behind Erwin. "This is Armin. He's new here too. Rescued from a similar situation, but not nearly one as brutal. He was forgotten in a basement after his mother died. He's an omega. We're mates as well."

"H-Hi." Armin said.


"I'm Sasha! Nice to meet ya!" The redheaded girl practically screamed.

"Cool it potato girl. I'm Connie."

"Hi. Nice to meet all of you. Thanks for the warm welcome." Levi has kept his pheremones going this whole time so I wouldn't be nervous.

"There are a lot more people in the pack, but these are my closest friends. I hope you guys are as kind to Eren as you are to me. Thank you. You may leave." Levi said to me, then the crowd.

"Let's get you home. It's time for lunch." Levi said with a smile on his face once everyone had cleared out of the meeting hall. He moved me into a bridal position again and lifted me up.

"Okay." I replied and nestled back into Levi's strong hold. I quickly fell asleep while my mate carried me back to my new home.

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