Chaper 7- I Joined

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Eren POV:

3 1/2 weeks later.

The rule to join a new werewolf pack as a free citizen is you have to have been in that pack's territory for 4 weeks. After that, if you'd like, you can go through an initiation process and become a rightful member of the pack.

Today is the 4 week mark.

Today I gain a mind link with these people.

Today I join Levi's pack.

I'm really nervous, but also very exited. Over these past few weeks, Levi, Petra, Hanji, Krista, Marco, and Mikasa have been extremely helpful. I met some new people, like Mike and Nanaba. They're married and have 2 kids. Armin has started to get more comfortable around me. That fact makes me happy.

I've gotten back up to a normal and healthy weight through high calorie meals and exercise. I can walk on my own now, which is a good thing. Although, Levi still carries me sometimes just to pamper me. He treats me like royalty and even took me shopping to get clothes and shoes that I like. I still usually sleep in Levi's shirts, though.

Levi taught me quite a few good self defense moves just for fun. We mostly spent time together or with our friends and I'm really feeling at home now. The rest of the pack seemed to welcome me as the future luna, and not one person was rude.

At this point in time, I know I'm in love with Levi. Some might say it's rushed, or seems too fast to be real love. But it isn't if you think about the situation. Levi and I are 2 halves of one soul. We're literally made for eachother.

The initiation ceremony starts at noon, and it's already 10:30, so I get off of mine and Levi's bed to start getting ready. Levi had gotten up early to make breakfast, so I quickly got dressed, fixed my hair, and walked downstairs.

As soon as I got to the first floor, the smell of bacon filled my nose. I walked through the doorway to the kitchen and hugged Levi from behind.

"Morning. It smells good in here. What'cha makin'?" I said cheerfully.

"Bacon, hashbrowns, and eggs. Just finishing up the bacon and we can eat." Levi said with a smile. He turned his body slightly and gave me a quick kiss before continuing his cooking.

A few minutes later, Levi and I had finished eating and had done the dishes. I put on my jacket and grabbed the cellphone that Levi bought me. He opened the front door, waited for both of us to be outside, then closed and locked it. Levi took my hand in his and we started walking back to the meeting hall. The whole pack will be here today because I'm officially joining.

"What happens during the initiation ceremony?" I asked, looking up at Levi for an answer.

"Well, it happens very quickly. It's kind of like a switch flips inside of your brain. Then, you'll feel the tap of a mind link request from me. Accept it, and open your eyes. I'll tell you what to do from there. After that, the pack goes hunting in our wolf forms."

"But I've never transformed before."

"It's nothing to worry about, baby. Doesn't even hurt." Levi stroked my hand with his thumb and looked at me. "It'll be fine. It's actually really fun."

"Okay. But I'm so exited, Levi! I'm joining the pack today!"

"I'm exited too. We'll have a mind link after this." I smiled and gripped my mate's large hand tightly, skipping next to him.

The meeting hall was already full when Levi and I got there. In the front rows were most of my good friends and their families. Jean, Marco and their 3 children were right by the door. They have a set of identical twin girls named Mira and Mina, and a brand new baby boy named Maxon. Over all, they have a happy family. Jean is a great father and Marco has taken on the motherly role.

Mikasa and Annie sat next to Mira and Mina to keep them entertained, while Erwin and Armin sat next to those two. Hanji, Petra, Connie, and Sasha filled in the rest of that row. The entire pack stared at me and Levi with big smiles on their faces and quieted down when Levi raised his hand.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. Today is a big day for me and my mate, for he is officially joining the Wings of Freedom pack." A few people cheered and everyone clapped. "As you all know, Eren has never established a mind link because he was locked in a tower his whole life. I ask you to let me give the first request just to show him what to do. Understood?"

"Understood." The whole crowd answered.

"Thank you. Hanji, the chair please." Hanji and a few others brought up a red, shiny chair with velvet on the seat. "Eren, please sit down and close your eyes." Levi said while gesturing towards the chair.

I obeyed his request and sat in the red chair with my eyes closed. The crowd went silent and all I could hear was Levi's voice whispering in my ear.

"Relax your whole body. Like that. Let your mind empty itself." He waited a few seconds before speaking again. "Imagine your soul. Imagine it joining those of the other pack members in this room." I did as told, when I envisioned my soul leaving my past pack and joining the souls of this one, something happened. My body stiffened and accepted the idea. I felt a tap on my temple. Levi it seemed to say.

Request to enter your mind: Levi. It said. In my mind, I granted the silent request.

In the mind link:

Levi: Eren? Can you hear me?

Eren: I can hear you. Is this the mind link?

Levi: Yes. The ceremony was successful. Welcome to the pack. Open your eyes.

I did as told

Levi: Choose a friend and think about what you wish to say to them. Imagine your thought entering their brain.

The first person I thought of was Marco. I looked over at his face and his closed eyes. I realized the whole pack had their eyes closed. I knew what to say and I did exactly as Levi told me to. Marco let me in almost instantly. His eyes opened as he heard my thoughts enter his mind link. Our eyes met.

Marco: It worked?

Eren: Yeah. Is this really all I have to do?

Marco: Yep. Simple right? Now you know how to work the mind link. To end one, just think "mind link end" and it'll stop with that person or group.

Eren: Thank you, Marco.

Marco: Not a problem.

I thought "mind link end" and the world went quiet again. Levi. I thought. He let me in.

Levi: Did it work?

Eren: Yes. What now?

Levi: Hang on.

He ended the mind link and began to speak.

"Everyone, thank you. You can open your eyes. Please welcome Eren Jeager, our new pack member." The crowd cheered and filled with congratulations.

Once everyone had settled down, Levi spoke again. "Please take everyone not old enough to hunt back to the village. Everyone under 15, please stay in the community home. We only want to keep you safe. Those of you who have young children or newborn babies, feel free to stay with the children and teens."

"Yes, alpha." And off they went. Most of the people left, and we were left only with adults and people 18 and up who didn't have children that they wanted to take care of.

"Now, the hunt will begin in 10 minutes. We'll be gone for about an hour. Don't over-hunt. Only take what you and your family will eat tonight." Levi said.

"Yes, alpha."

"Okay. Please prepare to morph while I teach Eren." I looked up at my mate. "Don't worry. This will be fun." He said. I smiled.

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