Chapter 12- Forever and Always

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Levi POV:

I woke up at about noon holding my beloved omega. He slept peacefully with a soft smile on his face, nuzzling into my chest. His short, quiet breaths graze my face. Trying not to wake him but being unable to resist, I gently run my fingers through his soft hair. Eren sighs and flutters his eyes open.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep if you'd like." Eren shook his head slowly.

"No. I've been awake for a few minutes now. You're just comfortable." He smiles and takes my hand. His palm was about half the size of mine, allowing me to completely envelop his own.

"C'mere," I said as I lift Eren's still-naked body up and curl him into my body in an area where our faces can reach. I kiss my mate. Not rushed, full of passion and love, but still smooth and gentle, easy to lose yourself in. His small hands cup my cheeks as he turns his face slightly and deepens our kisses. I place my hands on the small of his back and sit up. Eren's legs end up on either side of my hips.

We hugged tightly while our lips danced to the beat of our heartbeats. So innocent he was in that moment, like a child searching for something in my eyes. He arches his back into the shape of my body and wraps his legs around me tightly.

I stroke his thigh and he moans quietly. Smirking against his lips, I slip my tongue into Eren's mouth. The small omega in my lap sighed and allowed himself to melt. My wolf taking over, I flip my mate onto his back and lay on top of him, as he likes.

My fingers wander over Eren's cheeks, eyes, neck, and over the new letters on the soft flesh there. The teen beneath me, does the same. My arm snakes into the arch of my mate's back and holds him as close as physically possible while I kiss him senseless. Soft moans slip past his lips over and over while he gently traces my bare back with his nails, making me shiver with the pleasure of it.

By the time we finally broke apart, the two of us were both sweating and panting, but smiling like idiots. Eren gazes at me with eyes full of admiration and affection. I smile and rest my forehead on his, closing my eyes.

"God I love you. What did I do to deserve you, Eren Jeager?" He chuckles.

"If I were to tell you every single reason, I'd be talking for years straight," He said. "You've done so much for me, Levi. You saved me from imminent death and everlasting pain."

I trace the scars on his back from his father. Eren cups my cheek and forces me to look him in the eye.

"I'm okay now thanks to you. You've made my life so much happier. I'm constantly showered with love. You take care of me," he grasps my neck. "Hold me," gentle kiss. "And so much more. I have so many things to thank you for."

Eren's warm smile and kind words brought tears to my eyes. I never realised he felt this way. We kissed again. Just once, but it was so meaningful.

"I love you, Eren. I love you so much."

"And I you. You mean the world to me. My alpha. You're my alpha and no one can have you." He paused, swallowing back what I'd come to see as his sadness.

"I... I can't lose you, Levi. Please. Please promise me that you'll stay with me. You're all I have..."

I take the omega's hand in mine and kiss his knuckles. "You don't have to worry about losing me. I'm all yours. I'll stay with you forever. Our souls have bound, so even after death, we will find eachother. I promise to love you as long as I exhist." I wipe the tears from Eren's cheeks and continue speaking.

"You're my mate. My other half. My love. My life. I need you too. So, let's compromise. Neither of us leave and we don't have to worry about 'without you'. Let's raise our pups together and be happy. Okay?"

"Okay." I hold Eren close and stroke his hair. This beautiful boy is all mine. All mine. Forever and always.

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