Chapter 9- First Hunt

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Eren POV:

As Levi and I bounded into the forest, nothing seemed to move. The trees were still as we came to a stop.

Levi: Eren, put all your weight on your haunches and follow me slowly. There's a deer up ahead of us. Be very quiet.

Eren: Okay.

I did as Levi instructed and just as I was about to walk around the tree, I saw the deer. It wasn't small, but it wasn't large either. I could tell that this deer was a female because it didn't have antlers. My body subconsciously lowered into a pouncing position and I crept forward while making sure not to snap any twigs or crinkle the leaves on the ground.

Levi went the opposite direction of me and I realized we were surrounding the doe. When I was close enough, I lept forward without even thinking about it and jumped on top of the deer. I bit her throat and her body quickly went limp under my paws. I picked up my kill and looked to Levi hopefully.

Levi: Well done, Eren! You made hunt on your first time in the woods!

I smiled my wolfy grin and thanked my alpha for the praise.

Levi: Let's get this deer home and clean it up. We'll have a feast tonight!

Levi prodded over to me and gently took the doe to carry it home.

Slight time skip.

As Levi and I trotted back to our home, people congratulated me on my hunt's profit.

"Did you catch that, or did Eren?" Hanji asked Levi.

"Proud to say that Eren made his first hunt. Good job." He said as he gazed lovingly down at me. I smiled at the praise. I always feel like I should impress Levi, so when he compliments me, I feel absolutely amazing about what I did.

We are both still in our wolf forms, but we'll need to shift after we get home in a few minutes. As soon as the door came into sight, Levi and I both shift and walk inside.

As he skins the deer and preps the meat for cooking, I start to make a little something to go along with it. I had picked out a few red potatoes and a bundle of esparagus from the market earlier today, so I cooked and seasoned them while my mate made us venison chops.

We have quite a bit of left-over deer, and Levi taught me how to make stew a while ago, so maybe I'll surprise him tomorrow night by making dinner. I hope he'll be proud of me.

"The potatoes and esparagus are done. I'll put them on a platter and keep them in the microwave until the meat's done, okay?"

"Alright. Thanks Eren. The meat is almost done, so just wait a little longer." I nodded.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Like, clean the table or something?" Levi had placed down a plastic tarp before he prepped the meat on the table, so I could clean that up outside.

"If you wouldn't mind rinsing the tarp and setting it out to dry, could you set the table as well?" Levi asked with half of his face turned towards me.

"Sure!" I smiled and skipped over to the mess on the table. I folded the tarp and brought it outside to rinse. As I turned the hose on, Hanji came walking towards me.

"Need some help?" She asked.

"Sure. Thanks." She kneeled down and helped me spred the plastic so that rinsing it would be easy. The blood from the deer hadn't quite dried yet, so it came off quickly when I sprayed the water on it.

Hanji and I lifted the tarp and hung it to dry on the clothes string in the backyard. We have a washer and dryer, but some of the delicate laundry has to air dry, so we have a few clothes lines out here.

"Have fun!" Hanji called as she turned around and left with a wave of her hand. I returned the gesture and walked back inside to set the table.

After Dinner.

"Thanks for the food. The meat was delicious." I said as I gazed up at Levi. We'd just finished washing the dishes and were sitting on the sofa.

"All I did was cook it. You caught the doe. For your first hunt ever, you seem to have amazing instincts... that was an impressive kill. We'll be eating different variations of venison for a good week or so." Levi praised me again. He knows he gets me riled up when he does that. I blushed and looked away.

"Th-Thanks." Levi laughed through his nose and guided my chin upwards. I closed my eyes out of embarrassment.

He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Don't close your eyes. Look at me. Show me your beautiful eyes."

I shivered at the feeling of his breath in my ear, but did as told and placed my hands on his shoulders. He pulled my face up to his, and our lips met. He kissed me; long and passionate. His hands moved to graze my thigh, then hips, then they came to rest in the curve of my back.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around my mate's neck, allowing him to pull my body against his. He lifted my hips and pulled me into his lap.

Our relationship has become very lovey-dovey, so to speak. We're almost always together, kissing, or holding hands. We're not afraid to show people our love for eachother, and no one thinks we're too clingy.

Jean, or as I've started to call him, Horseface, has been actually very fun to hang around. We play combat games and fight with eachother about who did or didn't win. We're actually good friends, and Marco has been one of my leaning blocks for emotional stability when Levi isn't around.

The memories of what my father did still haunt me, but I'm making progress and I'm no where near as afraid of contact as I used to be. Anyways, back to the present.

I link my fingers with Levi's and place his hands back on my waist. He pushes me onto my back and hooks my leg around his hip. His hips press against mine as our limbs entwine. I moan slightly as Levi's tongue slips through my willing lips to explore the wet cavern that's behind them.

He trails his tongue along my teeth and massages my tongue with his own. I moan soltly, and I can feel Levi smirk against my lips. I cup his cheek with my hand and pull his face closer. This in return earns me a low growl of arousal from my mate. I place my hands on his shoulders and pull off his shirt. We return almost immediately to kissing, and Levi's hands slide up my legs and grasp my hips. I let out a sigh and trail my fingers down my mate's chest and stomach until I reach his v-line. I then lightly trace the dips in his skin and my hands make their way back up his beautiful body. I can't believe that he's mine. He's so perfect.

Levi smiles and beaks our kiss. My hands grasp at his biceps as his unlatch my legs (that were around his waist) and kisses me one last time.

"If we go any farther, I won't be able to stop myself." He says while trying to catch his breath. I nod; knowing exactly what he meant. Neither of us are ready for a child yet, and if we mate while I'm not in heat, it could damage my closed womb. Levi knows this and is always super cautious when it comes to him getting a boner. He stops the activity right when he feels like he's about to get hard. It's frustating, yes, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Same here." I reply. He smiles and hugs me close. We talked for hours, just cuddled together like that.

"Aren't I heavy at all?" He asked.

I shook my head and laughed. "No. Your heat and weight are like being wrapped in a warm and fuzzy blanket. It's comforting and very comfortable."

He sighed in what seemed to be relief, and hugged me tighter. Before I knew it, the fuzzy feeling of comfort overtook me and I slipped into a dream filled sleep.

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