Chapter 16- Peace

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A/N: This is a short chapter. Sorry.
Levi POV:

"Wait, what?!" I stood and looked back down at Eren after exchanging glances with Hanji.

"It seems that when Eren went into heat, he concieved two children."

"I know how twins work, Hanji." I moved to kneel in front of Eren. "Are you okay?" He was as pale as a ghost.

"I-I... Yeah just... a little scared I guess." In truth, he seemed absolutely terrified. "I didn't really think about it. And from how much research I've been doing, labor really hurts." I moved forward and hugged him.

"It'll be okay... I'll be there. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." He was happy, I could tell, but definately scared. Eren gripped my hand with a small smile as his wave of fear washed away. He started to laugh softly.

"Two kids... Wow." He looked up at me with those beautiful, ocean-like, greeny-blue eyes. I leaned down and wrapped him in a tight hug. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck, letting me lift him into my arms.

Hanji smiled and gave Eren some meds in case his morning sickness got too bad before she sent us home.

I carried Eren the whole way. He snuggled into me with a small smile. His nerves with calming down because he was so close to me. That's one big benefit of being an alpha.

When we got home, I set Eren down in the living room with a movie and made some lunch. We ate in silence while leaning against one another.

I cleaned up the dishes after we'd finished.

"What do you wanna do now? Anything you want." Eren looked up at me with a small smile.

"Could you teach me how to play some of your other video games? I only how to play a few, and they look so fun." I nodded.

We spent the majority of the day doing just that. But later on, Marco and Jean dropped by and gave Eren some of their old baby stuff. They didn't need all of it anymore.

I invited them to stay for dinner, but they had already made food for themselves and their kids back at their home, so they politely declined.

Eren and I spent the rest of the evening in quiet tranquility while just being in eachother's presence. Eren started reading The Hobbit while I continued reading a baby book from Jean and Marco.

He fell asleep in my lap pretty soon after that. I looked at the clock. I hadn't actually realized how late it was. I carried Eren upstairs after bookmarking both our spots in the books.

After laying down, Eren curled into me in his sleep. I smiled andwrapped my arms around him. I too soon slipped into a dream filled sleep.

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