Chapter 8- Wolf Form

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Levi POV:

"Now Eren, morphing is very easy if you know what to do. It doesn't take long to learn, and before you know it, you'll be a wolf." Eren nodded.

"What do I do?"

"Let's go outside. It's hard to get through doors after you shift." Eren nodded, so I took his hands and led him out the door.

"I'll teach you how to return to human form first, okay?" Eren nodded. "As a wolf, your senses are heightened. During your first shift, it can be hard to focus on one thing, but try your hardest to clear your mind. After you've done that, picture your human form and your wolf form seperating. You should change after that."


"Can you remember all that? It's pretty simple."

"I've got it. So, how do I change?" Eren asked.

"Take deep breaths. Clear your mind. Search through your brain and find the wolf inside you. It's the same part of you that the mind link uses." Eren closed his eyes and I could tell he was trying his very hardest to do as I told him. "After you find it, enter it. You should see a brief image of your wolf. Picture your body and that wolf as one. You should shift after that."

Eren took a deep breath and bowed his head. Next thing I knew, there was a white wolf in front of me.

"You did it!" I smile and pet his muzzle. Eren whines and gazes up at me with teal eyes. The people from the pack walk outside and look at Eren with admiration.

"Soon enough, you'll be able to shift in the blink of an eye." Hanji exclaimed after congratulating Eren on his accomplishment.

"Such pure white fur!" Mikasa said, in awe of Eren's beauty.

"He's rather small... will he be safe, Levi?" Erwin questioned.

"I'll protect him. You worry about Armin, it's only his second shift." I said.  Erwin nodded and walked to his mate, who was conversing with Hanji. Armin joined the pack about a week ago. Eren couldn't go on the hunt because he wasn't part of the pack yet, but he'll experience it full-on this time.

Mind link request: Eren. I let him in as soon as the request showed.

Eren: Your turn, Levi.

Levi: Alright. Stand back. Eren trotted back a few feet. I closed my eyes and changed into my wolf form.

Eren's eyes widened. As a wolf, my fur is solid black, the same as most alphas. But what surprised him was how tall this form is. I practically tower over his wolf, which is only up to eye level with my human body. Around stomach level with my wolf.

Eren: Woah...

Levi: It's okay. You knew that your wolf was gonna be small. Alphas are at least 10 times as large as omegas in their wolf forms. I'll protect you.

Eren: Okay. Are we ready to go? He questioned as he looked at all the other wolves that were filling up the street.

Levi: Yeah. I'm gonna break our link and establish a pack link, okay? He nodded.

Levi: Mind link end.

I sent a link request to Hanji, Armin, Mike, Jean, Erwin, Mikasa, Annie, Petra, Krista, Ymir, Reiner, Bertholt, Connie, Sasha, and Eren; all the people going on the hunt today. Everyone accepted the link immediately.

Levi: We're ready to head out. The east woods are today's hunting ground. Remember to only take what you and your family will eat tonight, as we don't want to overhunt. Feel free to go home as soon as you've caught dinner.

All: Yes Alpha.

Levi: Mind link end.

I re-started a link with Eren and we ran to the woods to hunt.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted the next chapter to be in Eren's POV and I'm lazy so I'll make another part of the hunting session.

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